I have a SwiftData Model and recently added a new Array which is holding "Sections" as Strings. No matter what I try I can't make Swift to go trough this Array in any way using ForEach, For or a List. I always get this error:
Generic parameter 'V' could not be inferred
If I use another Array tapas.asanas it works flawlessly.
Here is the Code Snippet, the error is shown at the Section("Sections") Line.
Section("Sections") {
TextField("Add a new Section", text: $sectionName)
.padding([.top, .bottom], 10)
Button(action: {
sectionName = ""
}, label: {
Text("Add Section")
List(tapas.tapasSections) { name in
And here is the SwiftData Model:
import Foundation
import SwiftData
class Tapas {
var name: String
/// Time Frame of the Tapas
var currentDay: Int
var lengthInDays: Int = 21
var lastDay: Date
var startDay: Date = Date()
var intention: String
var intentionEvoked: Bool = false
var rules: String = ""
var supportTime: [Date] = []
var tapasSections: [String] = []
var recuperated: Bool
var tapasType: String
var isActive: String
var recupType: String /// NoRecoup, TimedRecoup, UnlimitedRecoup for No recouperations, Recouperations before Last Day, And even after
var resetTime: Date
var color: String
/// Adding a relation to TapasAsana, as one Tapas has many Asanas
@Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade) var asanas = [TapasAsana]()
init(name: String = "", intention: String = "", currentDay: Int = 1, lengthInDays: Int = 49, lastDay: Date = .now, recuperated: Bool = false, tapasType: String = "hatha", isActive: String = "dormant", recupType: String = "NoRecoup", resetTime: Date = .now, color: String = "blue") {
self.name = name
self.intention = intention
self.currentDay = currentDay
self.lengthInDays = lengthInDays
self.lastDay = lastDay
self.recuperated = recuperated
self.tapasType = tapasType
self.isActive = isActive
self.recupType = recupType
self.resetTime = resetTime
self.color = color
As I said before, this relationship Array called asanas is working in any ForEach or List, also in this code above. Replacing tapas.tapasSections with tapas.asanas resolves the error.
The reason this is not compiling is the fact that String
is not Identifiable
but the initializer for the List
you are using needs it to be.
There are 2 possible solutions here:
Make String
conform to Identifiable
extension String: Identifiable{
public var id: Self{ self }
Use a different initializer for List
List(tapas.tapasSections, id: \.self) { name in
Replacing tapas.tapasSections
with tapas.asanas
works because the @Model
wrapper makes the TapasAsana
class conform to PersistentModel
which makes it conform to Identifiable