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How add a request rule to Backpack-Laravel?

I need to dynamically assemble request rules depending on the value of a model field. I have a model author with a field string $rule. This field can store string values ​​for the request - integer, string, boolean etc.

Create crud model

protected function setupCreateOperation()

Getting the value of the type field in the current model inside AuthorCreateRequest failed - this is normal. This class knows nothing about the current model. So I need to add dynamic rules to the current ones somewhere inside the setupCreateOperation method. How do I do this?

For example

protected function setupCreateOperation()
    // AutorCreateRequest with default rule

    // I would like to see something like this
    // add new rules to default rules 
        'value' => [


  • You can dynamically customize the rules array within your request class AutorCreateRequest:class

    I do it within the rules() function. In my case, I customize the array on the basis of some setting or request().