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Jetpack compose navigation passing custom object with Kotlin DSL

I am trying type safety in Kotlin DSL and Navigation Compose but it looks like it is not working as expected, following is my code:


data object SelectMenuNav

data class SelectProductNav(
    val menuSelection: MenuSelection

data class ProductDetailsNav(
    val menuSelection: MenuSelection,
    val product: Product

Custom Object I want to pass through composable

object CustomNavType {
    val ProductType = object : NavType<Product>(
        isNullableAllowed = false
    ) {
        override fun get(bundle: Bundle, key: String): Product? {
            return Json.decodeFromString(bundle.getString(key) ?: return null)

        override fun parseValue(value: String): Product {
            return Json.decodeFromString(Uri.decode(value))

        override fun put(bundle: Bundle, key: String, value: Product) {
            bundle.putString(key, Json.encodeToString(value))

        override fun serializeAsValue(value: Product): String {
            return Uri.encode(Json.encodeToString(value))

My app navigation

fun AppNavigation(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
        navController = navController,
        startDestination = SelectMenuNav
    ) {
        composable<SelectMenuNav> {
            ChooseMenuScreen(onSelection = { menuSelection ->
                        menuSelection = menuSelection
            typeMap = mapOf(
                typeOf<MenuSelection>() to NavType.EnumType(
        ) {
            val menuSelection = it.toRoute<SelectProductNav>().menuSelection
                menuSelection = menuSelection,
                viewModel = hiltViewModel(),
                onNavigateToProductDetails = { product ->
                          product = product,
                          menuSelection = menuSelection
            typeMap = mapOf(
                typeOf<Product>() to CustomNavType.ProductType,
                typeOf<MenuSelection>() to NavType.EnumType(
        ) { backStackEntry ->
            Log.d("AppNavigation", "ProductDetailsNav: ${backStackEntry.toRoute<ProductDetailsNav>()}")
                modifier = Modifier,
                vm = hiltViewModel(),
                navigateToEditor = {},
                navigateBack = {}

Even though Log is fine showing the product that has passed successfully between composables:

D  ProductDetailsNav: ProductDetailsNav(menuSelection=NAVA, product=Product(id=4371, productName=[...]

My viewmodel throws an error:

  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Route app.xml.aionianew.navigation.ProductDetailsNav could not find any NavType for argument product of type - typeMap received was {}
                                                                                                        at androidx.navigation.serialization.RouteSerializerKt$generateNavArguments$2$1.invoke(RouteSerializer.kt:108)
                                                                                                        at androidx.navigation.serialization.RouteSerializerKt$generateNavArguments$2$1.invoke(RouteSerializer.kt:103)
                                                                                                        at androidx.navigation.NamedNavArgumentKt.navArgument(NamedNavArgument.kt:21)
                                                                                                        at androidx.navigation.serialization.RouteSerializerKt.generateNavArguments(RouteSerializer.kt:103)
                                                                                                        at androidx.navigation.SavedStateHandleKt.internalToRoute(SavedStateHandle.kt:50)
                                                                                                        at app.xml.aionianew.screens.product_details.ViewModelProductDetails.<init>(ViewModelProductDetails.kt:1018)
                                                                                                        at app.xml.aionianew.DaggerMyApp_HiltComponents_SingletonC$ViewModelCImpl$SwitchingProvider.get(

My code in viewmodel is like so:

class ViewModelProductDetails @Inject constructor(
    private val uc: UseCasesProductDetails,
    savedState: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel() {

    private val selectedProduct: Product = savedState.toRoute<ProductDetailsNav>().product
    private val menuSelection:MenuSelection = savedState.toRoute<ProductDetailsNav>().menuSelection

So the question is what am I missing...


  • savedState.toRoute also takes a typeMap - without that typeMap, it doesn't know how to convert the SavedStateHandle back into your object so you'll want to pass in the same typeMap as you used in your navigation graph definition in your ViewModel:

    private val productDetails = savedState.toRoute<ProductDetailsNav>(
        typeMap = mapOf(
            typeOf<Product>() to CustomNavType.ProductType,
            typeOf<MenuSelection>() to NavType.EnumType(
    private val selectedProduct: Product = productDetails.product
    private val menuSelection: MenuSelection = productDetails.menuSelection