I have a .ps1 that has a -path
parameter that I would like to give a default value, via the $PSDefaultParameterValues
dictionary, I figured this would work the same way as cmdlets:
"C:\Users\user1\Documents\PowerShell\Scripts\myScript.ps1:path" = "C:\temp\db.jsonc"
The code for myScript.ps1
param (
"path ---> $path"
So when I type .\myScript.ps1
I get the "Supply values for the following parameters:" prompt but if I run .\myScript.ps1 -path c:\some\path
the output is path ---> c:\some\path
I tried reworking the dictionary but still the script does not receive a value for the -path
#"myScript.ps1:path" = "C:\temp\db.jsonc"
"myScript.:pfath" = "C:\temp\db.jsonc" # this does not work either
#"C:\Users\user1\Documents\PowerShell\Scripts\myScript.ps1:path" = "C:\temp\db.jsonc"
The about_Parameters_Default_Values never state that a script path is supported. Either use a default value in your script parameter and remove the Mandatory
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[string] $Path = "C:\temp\db.jsonc"
"path ---> $path"
Or use a function instead:
function Test-Function {
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory)]
"path ---> $path"
$PSDefaultParameterValues['Test-Function:Path'] = 'C:\temp\db.jsonc'