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How to generate an integer that repeats like 100100100…1 in binary with time complexity O(n)?

I am making a function that takes length:int and distance:int as inputs, and output the largest integer that satisfies the following properties in its binary representation:

  1. It starts with 1, ends with 1

  2. There are distance - 1 many 0 between each 1

  3. Its length is strictly less than length

It could be implemented as the following:

def repeatdigit(length:int, distance:int) -> int:
   result = 0
   pointer = 1
   for _ in range(1, length, distance):
      result |= pointer
      pointer <<= distance
   return result

For example: repeatdigit(10,3)==0b1001001 , repeatdigit(15,4)=0b1000100010001. I’m only caring about binary because I need to use it as a tool of bit manipulation. In practice, length will be very big, distance ** 2 < length. Assuming the input is valid.

As its name suggested, it is repeating a same pattern over and over.

An explicit formula:

result = (1 << (length+distance-2 - ((length-2) % distance)))//((1 << distance) - 1)

But both algorithm are slow, their time complexity is O(n²), where n = length.

Doing similar things with list only takes O(n). Namely ([1]+[0]*(distance-1)) * ((length-2)//distance) + [1]

(Context: I want to make such an integer so that I don’t need to store 0 and 1 in a very long list as it is space consuming)

How do I make such an integer in O(n)?


  • Doubling the number of 1-bits instead of adding them just one at a time:

    def repeatdigit(length:int, distance:int) -> int:
       def f(want):
          if want == 1:
             return 1
          have = (want + 1) // 2
          x = f(have)
          add = min(have, want - have)
          return x | (x << (add * distance))
       ones = 1 + (length - 2) // distance
       return f(ones)

    My ones, want, have and add refer to numbers of 1-bits.

    The add = min(have, want - have) could be "simplified", as I either add have or have - 1 1-bits. It comes from this earlier, slightly less optimal version:

    def repeatdigit(length:int, distance:int) -> int:
       result = 1
       want = 1 + (length-2) // distance
       have = 1
       while have < want:
          add = min(have, want - have)
          result |= result << (add * distance)
          have += add
       return result