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utt_int variable type in T-SQL

I am updating a old report that was built by a contractor builder a few years ago, and I ran into a "primary key" variable defined as 'utt_int' I have never hear of it before, and I can't find anything about it online.

This is the statement:

DECLARE @vst_int_id_tbl utt_int 
INSERT Into @vst_int_id_tbl select(6963215)

Does anyone know anything about it and how to use it?


  • @Charlieface has fully answered the question with their comment.

    The indicated datatype is a user-defined table type that appears to consist of a single column of type INT

    A common utilization pattern for this sort of object is to pass multiple integers at a time as a parameter to some other code object

    In practice, an object of this type is handled similarly to a table variable