This is probably an easy one, but I've got this Excel vba macro where I'm trying to divide two integers and I end up with a round number, even though there should be a comma in there. For example 278 / 101 = 3. While it's really 2,75 and not 3. Why is this?
The macro is really simple, like this:
Dim intFull, intLow , intDivided as Integer
intFull = 278
intLow = 101
intDivided = intFull \ intLow
Your result variables is an integer
If you work with doubles instead you will get 2.752 etc - which can be rounded using dbDivided = Round(lngFull / lngLow, 2)
[variables updated to be more meaningful]
Sub redone()
Dim lngFull As Long
Dim lngLow As Long
Dim dbDivided As Double
lngFull = 278
lngLow = 101
dbDivided = Round(lngFull / lngLow, 2)
End Sub