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C# ASP.NET MVC web app - update view after completion of asynch calls w/ OpenAI

I have an ASP.NET MVC app in C# that I'm trying to asynchronously call a bunch of OpenAI requests in parallel and then wait on all results to return.

The following is a snippet from this code:

        foreach (ChatMessage msg in messages)
            List<ChatMessage> tmpMessage = new List<ChatMessage>();

            Task<ClientResult<ChatCompletion>> chatResult = client.CompleteChatAsync(tmpMessage, chatOptions);

            await chatResult;

            if (chatResult.IsCompleted && chatResult.Result.Value != null)

Each string in the output list is a json structured output from OpenAI. I then go through each json output and manipulate it as needed.

My questions are: Is this truly asynchronous? I call the CompleteChatAsync but then I use await chatResult and I am uncertain if this is the way to do that asynchronously?

Second - the view portion of the webpage does not update once all results return and are processed. It just sits there. How do I refresh the view in the ASP.NET MVC web app in .NET?



  • To run several tasks "in parallel" (more correctly: concurrently), you can use Task.WhenAll(listOfTasks). The steps will be as follow:

    1. Create the list of tasks (without awaiting them)
    2. Fire them and wait for all of them to finish.
    3. Handle the results.


    // Step 1
    var allChatResults = new List<Task<ClientResult<ChatCompletion>>>();
    foreach (ChatMessage msg in messages)
        var chatResult = client.CompleteChatAsync(tmpMessage, chatOptions);
    // Step 2
    await Task.WhenAll(allChatResults);
    // Step 3
    foreach (Task chatResult in allChatResults)
        if (chatResult.IsCompleted && chatResult.Result.Value != null)