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Reset sequence value with a simple SQL statement in Oracle 19c

There is a table TB_LOG which did not have a sequence so far. Sequence SEQ_LOG_ID was added for the id column ID_LOG of that tabele. Now the proper value must be set so there are no conflicts when new entries are added with existing ones.

How can I set the sequence to the next valid value. The proper number must be determinated because the statement schould be ececuted within different schemas.

alter sequence SEQ_LOG_ID restart start with (select max(ID_LOG) from TB_LOG) + 1);

Start with expects a number but the select does not seem to work. How can this be done otherwise?


  • One option is to use a PL/SQL block.


    SQL> create sequence seq_test;
    Sequence created.

    Its initial value (could be any, actually - which is probably your case):

    SQL> select seq_test.nextval from dual;

    PL/SQL block which first finds the MAX ID value in a table, adds 1 to it and uses the "new" value in alter sequence:

    SQL> declare
      2    l_max number;
      3  begin
      4    select max(id_email_log) + 1 into l_max from email_log;
      6    execute immediate 'alter sequence seq_test restart start with ' || l_max;
      7  end;
      8  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    New sequence value:

    SQL> select seq_test.nextval from dual;