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How can I fix flyout menu shows more on maui ios app

I am working on a MAUI app. On Android, the menus are working very well as expected but on iOS, starting from the fifth menu to the last, when I click on any of the menus, it takes me to a page "More" which now lists menus starting from the fifth menu.

var flyoutItem = new FlyoutItem()
                Title = "Dashboard",
                Route = nameof(ParentDashboard),
                FlyoutDisplayOptions = FlyoutDisplayOptions.AsMultipleItems,
                Items =
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "Dashboard",
                            FlyoutIcon = "home",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ParentDashboard)),
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "Teachers",
                            FlyoutIcon = "parents",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(Teachers))
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "Messages",
                            FlyoutIcon = "chat",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(RecentMessagesPage)),
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "Events & Notices",
                            FlyoutIcon = "events",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(Events))
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "Pickup/Dropoff",
                            FlyoutIcon = "car",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(PickupDropoffRequestsPage)),
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "Attendance",
                            FlyoutIcon = "homework",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ParentStudentAttendancePage))
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "Homework",
                            FlyoutIcon = "homework",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(StudentHomeworks))
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "Notifications",
                            FlyoutIcon = "notifications",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(NotificationsPage))
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "My School",
                            FlyoutIcon = "school",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(SchoolProfile))
                        new ShellContent
                            Title = "Settings",
                            FlyoutIcon = "settings",
                            ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(SettingsPage))

Can anybody help with this please? Starting from the “Pickup/Dropoff” menu down to “Settings”, it takes me to “More” page See screenshots below flyout menu before clicking

more page after clicking


  • Yea, so after a long time, I was able to find a way around the problem. What I did was to create a new instance of FlyoutItem with 5 items in each of the FlyoutItem

    See my working code below:

    if (App.UserInfo.ActiveRole.ToLower() == "parent")
                var flyoutItem = new FlyoutItem()
                    Title = "Dashboard",
                    Route = nameof(ParentDashboard),
                    FlyoutDisplayOptions = FlyoutDisplayOptions.AsMultipleItems,
                    Items =
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "Dashboard",
                                FlyoutIcon = "home",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ParentDashboard)),
                                Route = "ParentDashboard"
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "Teachers",
                                FlyoutIcon = "parents",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(Teachers)),
                                Route = "Teachers"
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "Messages",
                                FlyoutIcon = "chat",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(RecentMessagesPage)),
                                Route = "RecentMessagesPage"
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "Events & Notices",
                                FlyoutIcon = "events",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(Events)),
                                Route = "Events"
                            //new ShellContent
                            //    Title = "Pickup/Dropoff",
                            //    FlyoutIcon = "car",
                            //    ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(PickupDropoffRequestsPage)),
                            //    Route = "PickupDropoffRequestsPage"
                var flyoutItem2 = new FlyoutItem()
                    Title = "Dashboard",
                    Route = nameof(ParentStudentAttendancePage),
                    FlyoutDisplayOptions = FlyoutDisplayOptions.AsMultipleItems,
                    Items =
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "Pickup/Dropoff",
                                FlyoutIcon = "car",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(PickupDropoffRequestsPage)),
                                Route = "PickupDropoffRequestsPage"
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "Attendance",
                                FlyoutIcon = "homework",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ParentStudentAttendancePage)),
                                Route = "ParentStudentAttendancePage"
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "Homework",
                                FlyoutIcon = "homework",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(StudentHomeworks)),
                                Route = "StudentHomeworks"
                            //new ShellContent
                            //    Title = "Exam Results",
                            //    FlyoutIcon = "exam",
                            //    ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ParentStudentResultPage))
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "Notifications",
                                FlyoutIcon = "notifications",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(NotificationsPage)),
                                Route = "NotificationsPage"
                var flyoutItem3 = new FlyoutItem()
                    Title = "Dashboard",
                    Route = nameof(SchoolProfile),
                    FlyoutDisplayOptions = FlyoutDisplayOptions.AsMultipleItems,
                    Items =
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "My School",
                                FlyoutIcon = "school",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(SchoolProfile)),
                                Route = "SchoolProfile"
                            new ShellContent
                                Title = "Settings",
                                FlyoutIcon = "settings",
                                ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(SettingsPage)),
                                Route = "SettingsPage"
                //if (!AppShell.Current.Items.Any(x => x.Route == nameof(PickupDropOff)))
                //    AppShell.Current.Items.Add(new ShellContent
                //    {
                //        Route = nameof(PickupDropOff),
                //        ContentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(PickupDropOff)),
                //        FlyoutItemIsVisible = false
                //    });
                if (!AppShell.Current.Items.Contains(flyoutItem) && !AppShell.Current.Items.Contains(flyoutItem2) && !AppShell.Current.Items.Contains(flyoutItem3))
                    if (Preferences.ContainsKey("NavigationID"))
                        string id = Preferences.Get("NavigationID", "");
                        if (id == "notification")
                            await AppShell.Current.GoToAsync(nameof(NotificationsPage));
                    await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"//{nameof(ParentDashboard)}");
                //if (!AppShell.Current.Items.Contains(flyoutItem2))
                //    AppShell.Current.Items.Add(flyoutItem2);
                //    if (Preferences.ContainsKey("NavigationID"))
                //    {
                //        string id = Preferences.Get("NavigationID", "");
                //        if (id == "notification")
                //        {
                //            await AppShell.Current.GoToAsync(nameof(NotificationsPage));
                //        }
                //        Preferences.Remove("NavigationID");
                //    }
                //    await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"//{nameof(ParentDashboard)}");