I really like the way how one can define classes via the attrs
In particular how the usual syntax of python class variables is hijacked to define instance variables.
But is there a way to get class variables with attrs
If I have the following code
from typing import ClassVar, Final
from attrs import define
class Person:
name: Final[str]
age: Final[int]
goes_to_school: Final[bool]
my_class_var: ClassVar[str]
p = Person('Bart Simpson', 10, True)
it fails with AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'my_class_var'
And indeed, the attrs API reference says
Attributes annotated as typing.ClassVar, and attributes that are neither annotated nor set to an field() are ignored.
You might install class variable by using mixin class with such variable, simple example
from attrs import define, field
class Mixin:
my_var = 25
class Person(Mixin):
name = field()
p = Person('Jane')
gives output
alternatively assign variable after class creation
from attrs import define, field
class Person:
name = field()
Person.my_var = 25
p = Person('Jane')
gives same output
(tested using attrs 23.1.0 and Python 3.10.12)