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My module installed from GitHub is not being updated after new commits

I've created a python module and posted in on GitHub. The thing is, I've updated it several times and my friends, who installed it via python3 -m pip install git+ When I update the git repo, they update it via python3 -m pip install --upgrade git+, but new functionality that I add in new commits does not work for them. I am not sure where is my module actually installed on their computer, so I can't really see the source code on their machine and can't know the real reason for this behaviour. This also checks in my computer. If I want my module to perform new functionality, I have to pip uninstall it and then install it again. Thanks in advance for your help, I am willing to share additional info on my project.

After pip install --upgrade git+ I expect it to perform new functionality when called from terminal. Instead, it seems like it is not updated.


  • Please try these solutions:

    1. Check the installation path: Run python -m pip show your_module_name to verify where the module is installed

    2. Force a clean install: Try pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir git+ to bypass any cached versions

    3. If none of that works, you can try an editable installation: Use pip install -e git+ to install your module in "editable" mode, so changes reflect immediately (see: When would the -e, --editable option be useful with pip install?)