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Slice a numpy 2d array using another 2d array

I have a 2D array of (4,5) and another 2D array of (4,2) shape. The second array contains the start and end indices that I need to filter out from first array i.e., I want to slice the first array using second array.

a = np.random.randint(0,999,(4,5))
array([[684, 559, 629, 192, 835],
       [763, 707, 359,   9, 723],
       [277, 754, 804, 599,  70],
       [472, 600, 396, 314, 705]])
idx = np.array([[2,4],

Expected output - can be either of following two formats. Only reason for padding with zeros is that variable length 2d arrays are not supported.

[[629, 192, 835, 0, 0],
 [763, 707, 359, 9, 0],
 [804, 599, 0, 0, 0],
 [600, 396, 314, 0, 0]
[[0, 0, 629, 192, 835],
 [763, 707, 359, 9, 0],
 [0, 0, 804, 599, 0],
 [0, 600, 396, 314, 0]


  • Another possible solution, which uses:

    • np.arange to create a range of column indices based on the number of columns in a.

    • A boolean mask m is created using logical operations to check if each column index falls within the range specified by idx. The np.newaxis is used to align dimensions for broadcasting.

    • np.where is used to create a_mask, where elements in a are replaced with 0 if the corresponding value in m is False.

    • np.argsort is used to get the indices that would sort each row of m (negated) in ascending order.

    • np.take_along_axis is used to rearrange the elements of a_mask based on the sorted indices.

    cols = np.arange(a.shape[1])
    m = (cols >= idx[:, 0, np.newaxis]) & (cols <= idx[:, 1, np.newaxis])
    a_mask = np.where(m, a, 0)
    sort_idx = np.argsort(~m, axis=1)
    np.take_along_axis(a_mask, sort_idx, axis=1)

    NB: Notice that a_mask contains the unsorted version of the solution (that is essentially the approach followed by @mozway).


    array([[629, 192, 835,   0,   0],
           [763, 707, 359,   9,   0],
           [804, 599,   0,   0,   0],
           [600, 396, 314,   0,   0]])
    # a_mask
    array([[  0,   0, 629, 192, 835],
           [763, 707, 359,   9,   0],
           [  0,   0, 804, 599,   0],
           [  0, 600, 396, 314,   0]])