Order ID | Customer Name | Email Address | Product 1 - Brand | Product 1 - Description | Product 1 - Price | Product 2 - Brand | Product 2 - Description | Product 2 - Price |
123 | John Smith | johnsmith@gmail.com | Carrier | Inverter Airconditioning Unit | 599 | null | null | null |
456 | Jane Smith | j.smith@icloud.com | Lenovo | ThinkVision Monitor | 149 | Logitech | Ergonomic Mouse | 79 |
I'm working with this kind of table/dataset that keeps a record of a customer's purchases but all of the products they bought are contained within a single row.
The table has 10 sets of these product brand, product description, product price, etc but what I would like to happen is to take the individual purchases from that single row and create subsequent rows with the details of the remaining products while still having the info of the customers.
There would be instances where a customer would only get one item so the rest of the columns would be empty. There are also other columns at the end of the table that has the total cost of their items, delivery address, etc that I also want to retain in the new rows that would be created.
What I want to achieve is something like this:
Order ID | Customer ID | Email Address | Product - Brand | Product - Description | Product - Price |
123 | John Smith | johnsmith@gmail.com | Carrier | Inverter Airconditioning Unit | 599 |
456 | Jane Smith | j.smith@icloud.com | Lenovo | ThinkVision Monitor | 149 |
456 | Jane Smith | j.smith@icloud.com | Logitech | Ergonomic Mouse | 79 |
I'm uncertain how to go about this as this seems complicated. I know there's a similar function in Google Sheet where you transpose the cells but that only solves half of my problem. Any help/recommendation would be highly appreciated, thank you!
You can use multicolumn
UNPIVOT operation in BigQuery.
For multicolumn unpivot we use form
UNPIVOT (multi_column_unpivot) [unpivot_alias]
There multi_column_unpivot is
FOR name_column
IN (column_sets_to_unpivot)
-> (brand,description,price)
-> (brand1,description1,price1) ,(brand2,description2, price2),(brand3 ...)
You should include to this list all your table triples(brandN,descriptionN,priceN)
See example
with data as(
select 123 OrderID,'John Smith' as CustomerName, 'johnsmith@gmail.com' as EmailAddress, 'Carrier' as Brand1, 'Inverter Airconditioning Unit' description1,599 price1
,cast(null as string) Brand2, cast(null as string) Description2,cast(null as integer) price2
union all
select 456 OrderId, 'Jane Smith'CustomerName, 'j.smith@icloud.com' EmailAddress,'Lenovo' brand1, 'ThinkVision Monitor' description1, 149 price1
, 'Logitech' brand2, 'Ergonomic Mouse' Description2, 79 price2
-- query
select OrderID, CustomerName, EmailAddress
,brand, description, price
from data
unpivot( (brand,description,price)
for col in( (brand1,description1,price1)
Row | OrderID | CustomerName | EmailAddress | brand | description | price |
1 | 123 | John Smith | johnsmith@gmail.com | Carrier | Inverter Airconditioning Unit | 599 |
2 | 456 | Jane Smith | j.smith@icloud.com | Lenovo | ThinkVision Monitor | 149 |
3 | 456 | Jane Smith | j.smith@icloud.com | Logitech | Ergonomic Mouse | 79 |