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How to handle closing ExecutorService when used with Spring Integration Flows?

I am using an executor service to ensure that incoming jms messages are acknowledged after I write them to my database - (Using XA datasources and distributed transaction is not an option we have right now). To achieve this, my flow writes to the database when a message is received, and then uses an executorservice to start a new thread.

  public Function<Channels, MessageChannelSpec<?, ?>> jmsTxCommitingChannelSpec() {
    final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    return channels -> channels.executor(executorService);
  public Consumer<HeaderEnricherSpec> errorChannelSpec(MessageChannel genericExceptionChannel) {
    return h -> h.header(MessageHeaders.ERROR_CHANNEL, genericExceptionChannel);
  public IntegrationFlow jmsMessageFlow(
      @Qualifier("jmsConnectionFactory") ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
      Function<Channels, MessageChannelSpec<?, ?>> jmsTxCommitingChannelSpec)
  return IntegrationFlow.from(
                    jmsListenerContainerSpec.andThen(spec ->"ListenerContainer")))
       // save message in db
            (payload, headers) ->,
            spec -> spec.advice(messageRetryAdvice).id("persistClientMessage"))
  // new thread so that the jms message is acknowledged
            (payload, headers) -> messageParser.extractMessageMetadata(payload),
            spec ->"extractMessageMetadata"))

I am not sure on how the close the executor service in this case? Or if it should even be closed?


  • Consider to use a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor instead of that Executors.newCachedThreadPool() and as a bean. It has a proper lifecycle management when Spring application is shouted down.

    See more info in docs: