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How to pass brackets and other special characters using —set in Helm

I’m trying to run helm install using —set or —set-string to pass a value that includes brackets and a hyphen, to be precise I am trying to pass this:

—-set myapp.env.JAVA_TOOL_OPTS=“-Dmyarg=$(MYARGVALUE)”

MYARGVALUE is a different environment variable that I am referencing but I want the deployment to have the value as is in order for the substitution to work and I am unable to do so. I want to avoid using a values.yaml file to implement this, I want to pass this as an argument.

I tried single back slash, double and triple. Tried regular quotes, single quotes, both in different orders, and everything together in any combination possible and nothing was able to pass it.


  • Try using --set-literal instead of --set.

    This flag is used to set a specific string with no escaping, and is available from Helm v3.12.0.