I'm having trouble having a linear ProgressView show in a MenuBarExtra, it would simply not appear.
Apparently, there is no counter-indication indicating that it is impossible to do so but I still fail to implement it.
Here is the minimal code structure:
import SwiftUI
import AppKit
struct Menubar_InfoApp: App {
@State private var pct: String = "34%"
var body: some Scene {
func MBE() -> some Scene {
MenuBarExtra() {
VStack {
Text("Percentage: \(pct)")
ProgressView(value: Double(pct.dropLast(1)) ?? 0, total: 100)
.padding([.leading, .trailing])
.frame(width: 100)
} label: {
I'm just looking for a way to have a linear ProgressView in a MenuBarExtra (that has the same appearance and behaviour as one at least - the app being composed a multiple MenuBarExtra elements, the intent would be not to have them overlap) similar to:
Try this approach adding .menuBarExtraStyle(.window)
to your MenuBarExtra{...}
Works for me, tested on macOS 15.2, using Xcode 16.2.
func MBE() -> some Scene {
MenuBarExtra() {
VStack {
Text("Percentage: \(pct)").padding()
ProgressView(value: Double(pct.dropLast(1)) ?? 0, total: 100)
.padding([.leading, .trailing])
.frame(width: 100)
} label: {
.menuBarExtraStyle(.window) // <-- here