I'am building an asp.net application that have a gridview inside an update pannel.
In this grid, I added a command field that raise a server event to fill fields on my modal popup hiden div section.
Off course, once filled, I want to display the modal popup to the user.
my issue is : how do I make that popup visible?
I use http://www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal/
the same way it work in the sample, the modal work well when I click on a client side link, but how may I invoke the show event from a server side even with asp.net (VB or C#)?
I am totally new to JQuery and AJAX, thanks for your help
Add this code to command button's click handler method:
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript((Control)sender, sender.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
string.Format("$('#{0}').modal();", modalDiv.ClientID ), true);