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How can I listen to document changes inside referenced documents in firestore?

Is it possible to listen to changes inside referenced documents within an array 'events' in my collection 'calendar'. Within this array I save references to another collection where I store my calendar item information that I then read out per day in my calendar?

With my current code it only listens to changes in the calendar documents. But not in the referenced documents.

calendar document structure:

array : events
   0: assignments/reference(docid)
   1: assignments/reference(docid)

assignments document structure :

String date : dd/MM/yyyy
String eventType : Public opening
String time : HH:mm-HH:mm
String responsible : username
  void listenToDocumentChanges(DateTime selectedDay) {
    final formattedDate = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd').format(selectedDay);

        .listen((calendarDocSnapshot) async {
      try {
        state = state.copyWith(isLoading: true, hasError: false);

        if (calendarDocSnapshot.exists) {
          final data = ?? {};
          final events = (data['events'] as List?)?.cast<dynamic>() ?? [];

          final resolvedEvents = await resolveEvents(events);

          // Update the cache with events for the selected day
          state = state.copyWith(
            eventsCache: {
              formattedDate: resolvedEvents,
            isLoading: false,

              'Updated cache with ${resolvedEvents.length} events for       $formattedDate');
        } else {
          state = state.copyWith(
            eventsCache: {
              formattedDate: [],
            isLoading: false,

          print('No document exists for date: $formattedDate');
      } catch (e) {
        logError('Error in listenToDocumentChanges', e);

        state = state.copyWith(
          eventsCache: {
            formattedDate: [],
          isLoading: false,
          hasError: true,
    }, onError: (error) {
      logError('Snapshot listener error', error);

      state = state.copyWith(
        eventsCache: {
          formattedDate: [],
        isLoading: false,
        hasError: true,

    Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> resolveEvents(List<dynamic> events) async {
    try {
      final List<Map<String, dynamic>> resolvedEvents = [];
      final List<DocumentReference> references = [];

      for (var event in events) {
        if (event is DocumentReference) {
        } else if (event is Map<String, dynamic>) {

      if (references.isNotEmpty) {
        final snapshots = await Future.wait( => ref.get()));
        for (var snapshot in snapshots) {
          if (snapshot.exists) {
            final data = as Map<String, dynamic>?;
            if (data != null) {
                'reference': snapshot.reference.path,

      return resolvedEvents;
    } catch (e) {
      logError('Error resolving events', e);
      return [];

    void logError(String message, dynamic error) {
    print('$message: $error');


  • If you want to also listen for changes in linked/references documents, you'll need to set up separate listeners for that. Firestore does not have a built-in feature for that.


    1. Read the events as you currently do.
    2. Set up separate listeners for the event documents.
    3. Track your listeners, so you can detach then when they're no longer needed.