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Read Hyperlink Value to Presented Slide

I have a table on slide 2 of my PowerPoint presentation with three values: 100, 120, and 300. I have hyperlinked these values to slides 4, 5, and 6, respectively.

I want to write a VBA code that returns the value from slide 2 (100, 120, or 300) based on which slide I'm on during the presentation. Basically I want to find the number that lives on slide 2 that I hyperlinked to the current slide I'm on.

For example, if I'm presenting slide 4, the code should return 100, if I'm on slide 5, it should return 120, and if I'm on slide 6, it should return 300. How can I implement this in VBA?


  • I found the answer to my question

    Sub CheckSlideNumberHyperlink()
        Dim slide As slide
        Dim hyperlink As hyperlink
        Dim current_slide_index As Integer
        Dim slide_index As Integer
        ' Set the slide you want to check
        Set slide = ActivePresentation.Slides(2)
        ' Get current slide number
        Set current_slide = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.slide
        current_slide_index = current_slide.slideIndex
        ' Loop through all hyperlinks on the slide
        For Each hyperlink In slide.Hyperlinks
            ' Check if the hyperlink is associated with the slide number
            If IsSlideNumberHyperlink(hyperlink) Then
                ' Get the target slide number
                targetSlideNumber = hyperlink.SubAddress
                problem_value = hyperlink.TextToDisplay
                parts = Split(targetSlideNumber, ",")
                slide_index = parts(1)
                If current_slide_index = slide_index Then
                    MsgBox problem_value
                End If
            End If
        Next hyperlink
    End Sub