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generating list satisfying linear integer constraint in python

In python, I have a list w of integers, and I would like to efficiently generate all lists of (non-negative) integers such that their sum with weights in w is equal to a certain value a, that is

sum([i*j for i,j in zip(w,f)]) == a

ie the product of w with f is fixed by a. Here everything is int valued, and positive or zero. The brute force version would be to use itertools:

from itertools import product

a = 20
w = [1,1,3,3]
rslt = []
for f in product(range(a+1), repeat=len(w)):
   if sum([i*j for i,j in zip(w,f)]) == a:


This however scales very badly with the value of a. Is there a way of making generating rslt efficiently? I couldn't find a way to impose constraint with itertools directly. Mathematically, starting with a known vector w, I want to find all vectors f such that their dot product is fixed by a.

I came up with the idea of a recursive function that compute the difference from a at a given stage of the loop, but I'm having trouble with the implementation. If it's possible to have an implementation that also does arbitrary constraints (e.g. quadratic), that would be fantastic.


  • Since this is flaged "recursion" I guess this solution is acceptable

    def bb(a, w):
        # If target is 0, then all remaining numbers should be 0
        if a==0: return [(0,)*len(w)]
        # If target is non 0, then we need some remaining number, otherwise, empty set of solutions
        if len(w)==0: return []
        # branch & bound part. Just try with any possibility for first number
        # combined with (recursion) any possibility for the rest
        for first in range(0, a+1, w[0]):
            for rest in bb(a-first, w[1:]):
        return rslt

    On my machine, with a=60, that is 0.03 second, vs 10 for yours. (Plus, it has solutions that yours is missing. Such as the (0,20,0,0) mentioned in comments. I assume non-negative numbers)

    Edit: generator

    I see that this is also flagged generator, so I guess this is more what is expected

    def bb(a, w):
        if a==0:
            yield (0,)*len(w)
        if len(w)==0: return
        for first in range(0, a+1, w[0]):
            for rest in bb(a-first, w[1:]):
                yield (first//w[0],)+rest