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Await inside ctypes callback with loop already running

I need to perform a series of read/write tasks inside a ctypes callback function, but still inside an async task that is responsible for giving such read/write tasks:

async def main(ble_address):
    async with BleakClient(ble_address) as client:
        def my_io_callback(...)
            # await client.read_gatt_char(UUID) ???
            # await client.write_gatt_char(UUID, ...) ???

I can't move the whole async block inside the callback because it will be called several times and I need the device to be connected during the entire interaction.

What's the proper way of dealing with this situation? Answers I've seen so far haven't quite cover this particular case.


  • Without knowing the fine details of your code it is possible that the following is a solution:

    I would call an async function from a sync functions using the run_coro function below. The first time this function is called, it creates a new daemon thread running an event loop and then uses asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe to run the async function in the new thread:

    import asyncio
    import threading
    _event_loop = None
    def run_async(coro):
        """await a coroutine from a synchronous function/method."""
        global _event_loop
        # Lazily create a new event loop and a daemon thread that will run it:
        if not _event_loop:
            _event_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
            threading.Thread(target=_event_loop.run_forever, name="Async Runner", daemon=True).start()
        return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, _event_loop).result()
    async def main():
        sync_function()  # call a sync function
    def sync_function():
        # We want to await an async_function, so:
        result = run_async(async_function())
    async def async_function():
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        return 7



    Note that the call to run_coro will block the main thread until the async function being invoked completes. But you stated in one of your comments:

    Unfortunately this is impossible because the c callback (third party library) is supposed to block until the end of the IO operation.

    So this blocking behavior should be exactly what you want.