We're using Redis for caching in our .NET 8 APIs (Azure Redis for some, Enterprise Redis for others).
Certain API endpoints take query string parameters, and these parameters are factored into the cache key name.
Below are a couple examples of cache keys for data sets returned to the same user (Id 12345) from the same "Fruit" endpoint, but with different filters/parameters supplied:
We need to be able to invalidate all such cache entries. The only approach I can think of is doing a pattern search for the "fixed" part, FruitAPI:{12345}:Fruit:*
, then deleting each matching key.
We're using one of the latest versions of StackExchange.Redis, so Keys()
will likely be doing a SCAN; however, as explained here, "crawling the redis keyspace via SCAN or KEYS is not efficient, and you should avoid requiring to do this as part of routine application logic".
I suppose we could use a set, to store the key names for FruitAPI:{12345}:Fruit:
, but the cache entries will expire (at different times), while the set will still contain all the keys.
Are there any other options?
Thank you.
There are multiple ways of approaching this scenario, depending on the specifics.
In asp.net, "output cache" currently uses option 2, but "hybrid cache" (hopefully January) uses option 3. So it might be that you can use option 4, and just wait until January and use "hybrid cache", using the shared part here as a "tag".