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One-to-many relationship check in Oracle

Is there a beautiful simple solution how to check if two tables have one-to-many relationship between each other using only their names as parameters? I've seen solutions with joining tables on specific fields but can I do it without knowing what foreign keys my tables have? (Or possibly get it from system tables like user_tab_columns etc.)


  • If you want to find one-to-many relationships then you are looking for the targets of a FOREIGN KEY constraint and you can find that from the data dictionary.

    For example, if you have the tables:

    CREATE TABLE workers (
      id        NUMBER
                CONSTRAINT workers__id__pk PRIMARY KEY
    CREATE TABLE jobs (
      id        NUMBER
                CONSTRAINT jobs__id__pk PRIMARY KEY,
      worker_id CONSTRAINT jobs__worker_id__kf REFERENCES workers(id)

    Then each job is for one worker but one worker can have many jobs.

    You can find the

    SELECT MAX(ucc.table_name) AS table_name,
           LISTAGG(ucc.column_name, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ucc.position) AS column_name,
           MAX(rucc.table_name) AS referenced_table_name,
           LISTAGG(rucc.column_name, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY rucc.position) AS referenced_column_name
    FROM   user_constraints uc
           INNER JOIN user_cons_columns ucc
           ON (    uc.owner = ucc.owner
               AND uc.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name)
           INNER JOIN user_cons_columns rucc
           ON (    rucc.owner = uc.r_owner
               AND rucc.constraint_name = uc.r_constraint_name
               AND rucc.position = ucc.position)
    WHERE  uc.constraint_type = 'R'
    AND    rucc.table_name = 'WORKERS'
    GROUP BY uc.constraint_name;

    Which outputs:


    Showing that the JOBS table references the WORKERS table via the WORKER_ID and ID columns, respectively.
