I have a state creditNote
and before sending the payload
to the api call, I am changing the payload and I can see the changed value for a second in my UI
creditNote state
const [creditNote, setCreditNote] = useState({
invoiceNo: "",
data: "Entire",
creditNoteStatus: "pending",
creditNoteDate: formatDate(new Date().toLocaleDateString()),
creditNoteNo: "",
remarks: "",
const payload = creditNote;
const datearray = creditNote?.creditNoteDate.split("-");
payload.creditNoteDate =datearray[1] + "-" + datearray[0] + "-" + datearray[2];
const res = (await addEntireCreditNote(payload, category)) as any;
I am changing the payload only and not using the setState
function so i should not be seeing the date changed in the UI. Even if it is changing the state, will it be causing re-rendering of the component.
Even if it is changing the state, will it be causing re-rendering of the component.
No, because you are mutating the reference, it won't trigger a component rerender. With const payload = creditNote;
the payload
variable is a direct reference to the React state, and payload.creditNoteDate = ...
is the mutation.
You should avoid mutating React states at all costs.
Create shallow copies of all state, and nested state, that you are updating.
const [first, second, third] = creditNote?.creditNoteDate.split("-") || [];
const payload = { // <-- new object reference
...creditNote, // <-- shallow copy state
creditNoteDate: [second, first, third].join("-"), // <-- overwrite property
const res = (await addEntireCreditNote(payload, category)) as any;