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Parse XML Iteration node values in Groovy

I would like to parse the XML structure which contains iteration nodes, In the end, I need to collect the respective values by validating the data in the XML.

The 'OrderHeaderPartnerType' node comes multiple times in the XML, and I need to validate with the below steps:

  1. first validate, if OrderHeaderPartnerType/PartnerFunction equals 'SH', then first collect 'OrderHeaderPartnerType/Customer' value.
  2. Validate if the OrderHeaderPartnerType/Address/PartnerFunction value does not exist, then store the 'Customer' value collected above and store it in the property.

my XML Input:

              <StreetName>Adresse: husplan 45/47</StreetName>

Groovy Script

    import java.util.HashMap;
    import groovy.util.XmlSlurper;
    import groovy.xml.XmlUtil;
    import groovy.json.*;
    def Message processData(Message message){
        //read input XML message and stored in property
        def body = message.getBody(String);
        def data = new XmlSlurper().parseText(body)
        // set the input body to the parameter
        message.setProperty("p_readInput", body)
       // Identify OrderHeaderPartner PartnerFunction value is equal to 'SH'
        data.OrderType.Partner.OrderHeaderPartnerType.children().each{OrderHeaderPartnerType ->
        def OrdHdrPartnerFunctionValue = ${OrderHeaderPartnerType.PartnerFunction()}
        // collect SalesOrderHeaderPartner 'Customer' value 
        def OrdHdrPartnerFunctionCustomerValue = ${OrderHeaderPartnerType.Customer()}
        if (OrdHdrPartnerFunctionValue == SH)
         // Identify OrderHeaderPartner Address PartnerFunction value exists in order to know whole address details are exists'
        data.OrderType.Partner.OrderHeaderPartnerType.Address.OrderPartnerAddressType.children().each{ addtag ->
        def HdrPartnerFunction_AddressValue = ${addtag.PartnerFunction()}
        if (HdrPartnerFunction_AddressValue == null)
        return message

Expected output result

If based upon above above-described conditions are met, then 'OrderHeaderPartnerType/Customer' value to the properties along with the Input body.


  • import groovy.xml.*;
    def body = '''
                  <StreetName>Adresse: husplan 45/47</StreetName>
    def data = new XmlSlurper().parseText(body)
    var customerList = data.OrderType.Partner.OrderHeaderPartnerType
        .findAll{ it.PartnerFunction=='SH' && it.Address.PartnerFunction.size()==0  }
        .collect{ it.Customer.text() }