I have an MPN id and I'm trying to set this id on the "Branding & properties" section to have the verified badge on the logging process of my apps. I've tried to use the Graph API, Graph CLI and set this programatically with C# but I'm having issues.
When I use a token generated by the App Registration that was used to create the App Registration I want to update, I receive a 404 error in Postman and when I use a token generated by the App Registration I’m trying to update, I receive a 403 error.
What will be the minimum permission required to update the App Registration to set the MPN id?
Mother APP Registration permissions
App registration to update permissions
Error: Insufficient priveleges to complete the operation
As mentioned in this MsDoc,To resolve the error and to set the verifiedPublisherID
you should have at least Delegated type Application.ReadWrite.All
API Permission.
Registered Microsoft Entra Single Tenant Application, Added and Granted Delegated type Application.ReadWrite.All
API permission like below:
To generate the access token for Delegated type Application.ReadWrite.All
using authorization_code
Firstly, To get code
, I ran below authorization request in browser:
&redirect_uri= https://jwt.ms
Now, I generated Access token using authorization_code
flow :
GET https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant_id>/oauth2/v2.0/token
client_secret = <client_secret>
redirect_uri= https://jwt.ms
code=<code which generated from browser>
scope= https://graph.microsoft.com/.default
grant_type = authorization_code
Use same access token in to set verified publisher:
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/applications/{id}/setVerifiedPublisher
Content-type: application/json
"verifiedPublisherId": "<ID>"
If operation successful, this method returns a 204 No Content
response code.