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Proper way of parsing recursive enum with Nom

I want to parse recursive enum representing arithmetic expressions using Nom. I have the following code.

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum ArithExp {
    Add(Rc<ArithExp>, Rc<ArithExp>),

fn parse_ae_const(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ArithExp> {
    let (input, (numb, _)) = pair(digit1, multispace0)(input)?;
    println!("ok: {}", numb);
    Ok((input, ArithExp::Const(numb.parse::<i32>().unwrap())))

fn parse_ae_add(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ArithExp> {
    let (input, (exp1, exp2)) = terminated(
        separated_pair(parse_arithexp, tag(" + "), parse_arithexp),
    Ok((input, ArithExp::Add(Rc::new(exp1), Rc::new(exp2))))

fn parse_arithexp(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ArithExp> {

fn arithexp1() {
    assert_eq!(parse_ae_const("3"), Ok(("", ArithExp::Const(3))));

fn arithexp2() {
    assert_eq!(parse_arithexp("3"), Ok(("", ArithExp::Const(3))));

arithexp1 passes just fine, arithexp2 causes stack overflow on the other hand:

thread 'parser::tests::arithexp2' has overflowed its stack
fatal runtime error: stack overflow

It looks that parse_ae_add causes a problem what may indicate that I'm parsing recursive enum incorrectly but I have literally no idea how to fix it.


  • As kmdreko's comment outlines, this is because parse_arithexp calls parse_ae_add, which immediately calls parse_arithexp on the same input. This is called left-recursion, and is something that cannot be directly evaluated by recursive descent parsers (like this one). Instead, you must add a 'base case': instead of trying to parse ae_add -> ae_add " + " ae_add directly, you can parse ae_add -> ae_const " + " ae_add and achieve the same thing:

    fn parse_ae_add(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ArithExp> {
        let (input, (exp1, exp2)) = terminated(
            separated_pair(parse_ae_const, tag("+ "), parse_arithexp),
        Ok((input, ArithExp::Add(Rc::new(exp1), Rc::new(exp2))))

    (Note: tag(" + ") was changed to tag("+ "), because the parse_ae_const parser consumes any whitespace after it.)