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Deadpool-postgres connection

I'm using axum + deadpool-postgres to connect to database. In all examples I saw (like in deadpool-repo) people using axum's .with_state() with Pool. I've created async function that returns Pool, so it doesn't even compile. And I found only one solution - use Extension for this.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

UPD: code sample with error mismatched types expected unit type '()' found struct 'deadpool::managed::Pool<Manager>'

let (router, api) = OpenApiRouter::with_openapi(ApiDoc::openapi())
        .nest("/test", test_routes())
        .with_state(database_pool().await) //here is the error
pub fn test_routes() -> OpenApiRouter<()> {
    .routes(routes!(test_post_1, test_post_2))


  • If you convert the () from the generic of the OpenApiRouter in test_routes() to Pool<Manager>, it makes the with_state(...) expect Pool<Manager> instead of ().

    let (router, api) = OpenApiRouter::with_openapi(ApiDoc::openapi())
            .nest("/test", test_routes())
    pub fn test_routes() -> OpenApiRouter<deadpool::managed::Pool<Manager>> {
        .routes(routes!(test_post_1, test_post_2))