Search code examples

EF Core 9 : the database operation was expected to affect 1 row(s), but actually affected 0 row(s)

I am using DDD architecture and the following code changes the aggregate root (basically adds a comment which is an entity to the aggregate root).

public sealed class AddCommentToPostCommandHandlers : ICommandHandler<AddCommentToPostCommand, Guid>
    private readonly IPostCommandRepository _postRepository;
    private readonly ILogger<AddCommentToPostCommandHandlers> _logger;

    public AddCommentToPostCommandHandlers(IPostCommandRepository postRepository, ILogger<AddCommentToPostCommandHandlers> logger)
        _postRepository = postRepository;
        _logger = logger;

    public async Task<Result<Guid>> Handle(AddCommentToPostCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var post = await _postRepository.GetGraphByAsync(request.PostId, cancellationToken);

        if (post is not null)
            post.AddComment(request.DisplayName, request.Email, request.CommentText);

            if (post.Result.IsSuccess)

                await _postRepository.CommitAsync(cancellationToken);

                return post.Id;

            return post.Result;

        return Result.Fail(ErrorMessages.NotFound(request.ToString()));

This code worked fine with EF Core 8, but when I upgraded to EF Core 9, I get the following error:

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateConcurrencyException: The database operation was expected to affect 1 row(s), but actually affected 0 row(s); data may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded.

This error also occurs when editing a comment, whereas in the previous version (EF Core 8) this error did not occur.

Aggregate root code:

namespace ContentService.Core.Domain.Aggregates.Posts;

public class Post : AggregateRoot<Post>
    public Title Title { get; private set; }
    public Description Description { get; private set; }

    public Text Text { get; private set; }

    private readonly List<GuidId> _categoryIds;

    public virtual IReadOnlyList<GuidId> CategoryIds => _categoryIds;

    #region بارگذاری تنبل در سطح دامنه

    private List<Comment> _comments;

    public virtual IReadOnlyList<Comment> Comments
            if (_comments == null)

            return _comments.AsReadOnly();

    private void LoadComments()
        // Load comments from the data source here.
        // This is just a placeholder. You will need to replace this with your actual data loading logic.

        _comments = new List<Comment>();

    #endregion End بارگذاری تنبل در سطح دامنه

    public Post()
        _categoryIds = new List<GuidId>();

    private Post(string? title, string? description, string? text) : this()
        var titleResult = Title.Create(title);


        var descriptionResult = Description.Create(description);


        var contentResult = Text.Create(text);


        if (Result.IsSuccess)
            Title = titleResult.Value;
            Description = descriptionResult.Value;
            Text = contentResult.Value;

    public Post Create(string? title, string? description, string? text)
        var checkValidations = new Post(title, description, text);


        if (Result.IsFailed) 
            return this;

        if (Result.IsSuccess)
            this.Text = checkValidations.Text;
            this.Title = checkValidations.Title;
            this.Description = checkValidations.Description;

            RaiseDomainEvent(new PostCreatedEvent(Id, this.Title.Value, this.Description.Value, this.Text.Value));

        return this;

    public Post UpdatePost(string? title, string? description, string? text)
        var checkValidations = new Post(title, description, text);


        if (Result.IsFailed) 
            return this;

        if (Result.IsSuccess)
            this.Title = checkValidations.Title;
            this.Description = checkValidations.Description;
            this.Text = checkValidations.Text;

            RaiseDomainEvent(new PostUpdatedEvent(Id, Title.Value!, Description.Value!, Text.Value!));


        return this;

    public Post RemovePost(Guid? id)
        var guidResult = GuidId.Create(id);

        if (guidResult.IsFailed)
            return this;

        // Note: if have IsDeleted property (soft delete) we can change to true here
        RaiseDomainEvent(new PostRemovedEvent(id));


        return this;

    #region Category

    public Post AddCategory(Guid? categoryId)
        var guidResult = GuidId.Create(categoryId);

        if (guidResult.IsFailed)
            return this;

        if (!_categoryIds.Contains(guidResult.Value))       //جلوگیری از تکراری بودن دسته بندی  

            RaiseDomainEvent(new PostCategoryAddedEvent(Id, (Guid)categoryId!));

        return this;

    public Post ChangeCategory(Guid? oldCategoryId, Guid? newCategoryId)
        var oldGuidResult = GuidId.Create(oldCategoryId);
        var newGuidResult = GuidId.Create(newCategoryId);

        if (oldGuidResult.IsFailed)
            return this;

        if (newGuidResult.IsFailed)
            return this;

        if (_categoryIds.Contains(oldGuidResult.Value))
            var indexOldCategory = _categoryIds.IndexOf(oldGuidResult.Value);

            if (!_categoryIds.Contains(newGuidResult.Value))
                _categoryIds.Insert(indexOldCategory, newGuidResult.Value);

            RaiseDomainEvent(new CategoryPostChangedEvent(Id, (Guid)oldCategoryId!, (Guid)newCategoryId!));

        return this;

    public Post RemoveCategory(Guid? categoryId)
        var guidResult = GuidId.Create(categoryId);

        if (guidResult.IsFailed)
            return this;

        if (_categoryIds.Contains(guidResult.Value))

            RaiseDomainEvent(new CategoryPostRemovedEvent(Id, (Guid)categoryId!));

        return this;

    #endregion End Category

    #region Comments

    public Post AddComment(string? name, string? email, string? text)


        var commentResult = Comment.Create(this, name, email, text);


        if (Result.IsFailed)


            return this;


        var hasAny = Comments

            .Any(c => c.Name == commentResult.Value.Name

                      && c.Email == commentResult.Value.Email

                      && c.CommentText == commentResult.Value.CommentText);

        if (hasAny)


            var errorMessage = ValidationMessages.Repetitive(DataDictionary.Comment);


            return this;



        RaiseDomainEvent(new CommentAddedEvent(this.Id, commentResult.Value.Id, commentResult.Value.Name.Value, commentResult.Value.Email.Value, commentResult.Value.CommentText.Value));

        return this;


    public Post ChangeCommentText(string? name, string? email, string? text, string? newText)


        var commentOldResult = Comment.Create(this, name, email, text);

        var commentNewResult = Comment.Create(this, name, email, newText);



        var emailGuardResult = Guard.CheckIf(commentNewResult.Value.Email, DataDictionary.Email)



        var nameGuardResult = Guard.CheckIf(commentNewResult.Value.Name, DataDictionary.Name)



        var commentTextGuardResult = Guard.CheckIf(commentNewResult.Value.CommentText, DataDictionary.CommentText)



        if (Result.IsFailed)


            return this;



        var hasAny = Comments

            .Any(c => c.Name == commentNewResult.Value.Name

                      && c.Email == commentNewResult.Value.Email

                      && c.CommentText == commentNewResult.Value.CommentText);

        if (hasAny)


            var errorMessage = ValidationMessages.Repetitive(DataDictionary.Comment);


            return this;


        //var commentIndex = _comments

        //  .FindIndex(c => c.Name == commentOldResult.Value.Name

        //            && c.Email == commentOldResult.Value.Email

        //            && c.CommentText == commentOldResult.Value.CommentText);

        var commentIndex = Comments

            .Select((c, i) => new { Comment = c, Index = i })

            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Comment.Name == commentOldResult.Value.Name

                                 && x.Comment.Email == commentOldResult.Value.Email

                                 && x.Comment.CommentText == commentOldResult.Value.CommentText)?.Index;

        if (commentIndex >= 0)



            _comments.Insert((int)commentIndex, commentNewResult.Value);

            RaiseDomainEvent(new CommentEditedEvent(this.Id, commentNewResult.Value.Id, commentNewResult.Value.Name.Value, commentNewResult.Value.Email.Value, commentNewResult.Value.CommentText.Value));


        return this;


    public Post RemoveComment(string? name, string? email, string? text)


        var commentResult = Comment.Create(this, name, email, text);


        if (Result.IsFailed)


            return this;


        var commentFounded = Comments

            .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name?.Value?.ToLower() == commentResult.Value.Name?.Value?.ToLower()

                                 && c.Email?.Value?.ToLower() == commentResult.Value?.Email?.Value?.ToLower()

                                 && c.CommentText.Value?.ToLower() == commentResult?.Value?.CommentText.Value?.ToLower());

        if (commentFounded is null)


            var errorMessage = ErrorMessages.NotFound(DataDictionary.Comment);


            return this;




        RaiseDomainEvent(new CommentRemovedEvent(Id, name, email, text));

        return this;




and comment entity is:

namespace ContentService.Core.Domain.Aggregates.Posts.Entities;

public class Comment : Entity


    public DisplayName Name { get; private set; }

    public Email Email { get; private set; }

    public CommentText CommentText { get; private set; }

    public Guid PostId { get; private set; }

    private Comment()



    private Comment(Guid postId, DisplayName name, Email email, CommentText text) : this()


        PostId = postId;

        Name = name;

        Email = email;

        CommentText = text;


    public static Result<Comment> Create(Guid? postId, string? name, string? email, string? text)


        Result<Comment> result = new();

        if (!postId.HasValue || postId == Guid.Empty)


            var errorMessage = ValidationMessages.Required(DataDictionary.Post);



        var displayNameResult = DisplayName.Create(name);


        var emailResult = Email.Create(email);


        var textResult = CommentText.Create(text);


        if (result.IsFailed)


            return result;


        var returnValue = new Comment((Guid)postId!, displayNameResult.Value, emailResult.Value, textResult.Value);


        return result;



and ef config:

internal sealed class PostConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Post>


    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Post> builder)


        builder.Property(p => p.CategoryIds)


                v => string.Join(',', v.Select(c => c.Value)),

                v => v.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(c => GuidId.Create(c).Value).ToList()


        builder.Property(p => p.Title)



            .HasConversion(p => p.Value, p => Title.Create(p).Value);

        builder.Property(p => p.Description)



            .HasConversion(d => d.Value, d => Description.Create(d).Value);

        builder.Property(p => p.Text)


            .HasConversion(t => t.Value, t => Text.Create(t).Value);

        builder.OwnsMany<Comment>(c => c.Comments, cc =>



            cc.Property(c => c.Email)


                .HasConversion(e => e.Value, e => Email.Create(e).Value);

            cc.Property(c => c.Name)



                .HasConversion(e => e.Value, e => DisplayName.Create(e).Value);

            cc.Property(c => c.CommentText)



                .HasConversion(e => e.Value, e => CommentText.Create(e).Value);





  • I found the problem. Since I have defined a single entity in the database Post and Comment. And on the other hand, the DDD rules say that it should be a reference to the id and not the object itself. In case I mistakenly considered Post and Comment as two different entities. For this reason, the entity code (entity in DDD) Comment was a reference to the id:

    using ContentService.Core.Domain.Aggregates.Posts.ValueObjects;
    using FluentResults;
    using MDF.Framework.SeedWork;
    using MDF.Resources.Common;
    using MDF.Resources.Common.FormattedMessages;
    namespace ContentService.Core.Domain.Aggregates.Posts.Entities;
    public class Comment : Entity
        public DisplayName Name { get; private set; }
        public Email Email { get; private set; }
        public CommentText CommentText { get; private set; }
        public Guid PostId { get; private set; }
        private Comment()
        private Comment(Guid postId, DisplayName name, Email email, CommentText text) : this()
            PostId = postId;
            Name = name;
            Email = email;
            CommentText = text;
        public static Result<Comment> Create(Guid? postId, string? name, string? email, string? text)
            Result<Comment> result = new();
            if (!postId.HasValue || postId == Guid.Empty)
                var errorMessage = ValidationMessages.Required(DataDictionary.Post);
            var displayNameResult = DisplayName.Create(name);
            var emailResult = Email.Create(email);
            var textResult = CommentText.Create(text);
            if (result.IsFailed)
                return result;
            var returnValue = new Comment((Guid)postId!, displayNameResult.Value, emailResult.Value, textResult.Value);
            return result;

    Notice the Guid postId in the code above. But I should have referenced the object like this:

    using ContentService.Core.Domain.Aggregates.Posts.ValueObjects;
    using FluentResults;
    using MDF.Framework.SeedWork;
    using MDF.Resources.Common;
    using MDF.Resources.Common.FormattedMessages;
    namespace ContentService.Core.Domain.Aggregates.Posts.Entities;
    public class Comment : Entity
        public DisplayName Name { get; private set; }
        public Email Email { get; private set; }
        public CommentText CommentText { get; private set; }
        public Post Post { get; private set; }
        private Comment()
        private Comment(Post post, DisplayName name, Email email, CommentText text) : this()
            Post = post;
            Name = name;
            Email = email;
            CommentText = text;
        public static Result<Comment> Create(Post? post, string? name, string? email, string? text)
            Result<Comment> result = new();
            if (post is null)
                var errorMessage = ValidationMessages.Required(DataDictionary.Post);
            var displayNameResult = DisplayName.Create(name);
            var emailResult = Email.Create(email);
            var textResult = CommentText.Create(text);
            if (result.IsFailed)
                return result;
            var returnValue = new Comment(post!, displayNameResult.Value, emailResult.Value, textResult.Value);
            return result;

    In the above code which works correctly, instead of referencing the id in the Comment class, there is a reference to the Post object. Because Post and Comment are one entity and not different entities.