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cannot use r.GetBooks (value of type func(context *fiber.Ctx) error) as func(*fiber.Ctx) value in argument to api.Get

I tried to make an API with golang and postgres using gorm framework.I got error that said cannot use r.GetBooks (value of type func(context *fiber.Ctx) error) as func(*fiber.Ctx) value in argument to api.Get

Here's my code:

import (



func (r *Repository) GetBooks(context *fiber.Ctx) error {
    bookModels := &[]models.Books{}

    err := r.DB.Find(bookModels).Error
    if err != nil {
            &fiber.Map{"message": "Failed to get the book"})
        return err

            "message": "Books fetched successfully",
            "data": bookModels,

    return nil
func (r *Repository) SetupRoutes(app *fiber.App){
    api := app.Group("/api")

    api.Get("/books", r.GetBooks)

I already return nil at the end of the function and use error as a return for the function. But still didn't work


  • You are using an old version of the fiber framework from 2020.

    Import "" (or the new v3 which is in beta) to get the handler definition of func(Ctx) error.