Using DigitalOcean droplet with IPv4 Followed the Dokku tutorial with some changes, which I'll list here. The list also includes things I've already tried
dokku builder-dockerfile:set myapp dockerfile-path .dokku/Dockerfile
config.force_ssl = false
on production.rbsites-enabled/default
folder was deleted. Nginx then restarted but no changes. Even after this change, Nginx home page stills shows up intermittently when you visit the drolet IP: ports:list
returns:dokku ports:list blog-demo
-----> Port mappings for blog-demo
-----> scheme host port container port
http 80 3000
dokku domains:report returns:
dokku domains:report
=====> blog-demo domains information
Domains app enabled: true
Domains app vhosts:
Domains global enabled: true
Domains global vhosts: packer-6481b5fa-f32f-c6ab-b44d-a2621ac2dcee
sudo ufw allow 3000/tcp
. IP still shows nginx home page, or "Unable to connect" message. However IP:3000 shows a blue screenApp is apparently running without issues, I can see the usual Puma logs when server starts (Listening on
), but I'm unable to connect the app with the IP to see the Rails home page. Any suggestions are welcomed.
After a completely clean re-try, it looks like there was a mix of settings from an older Dokku version.
Digital Ocean's 1-click Dokku droplet does not include the latest Dokku version. After an initial setup, I upgraded the version without any success to the deployment. As a last resource, I created a non-1-click droplet and then installed Dokku manually, everything works as expected.
There are already issues in the official repo, so nothing new to add.