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R For loops and Simulations



conditions <- expand.grid(b1 = b1, b2 = b2)

# some other conditions 
sample_size <- 200
nsim<- 10 #number of simulations 

#empty holders 


results <- data.frame(
  condition_id = integer(),
  xcoef = numeric(),
  zcoef = numeric(),
  t1er = numeric()

for (i in 1:nrow(conditions)){
  xcoef <- numeric(nsim) # Reinitialize storage for x coefficients
  zcoef <- numeric(nsim) # Reinitialize storage for z coefficients
  int_pvalue <- numeric(nsim) # Reinitialize storage for p-values
  for( j in 1:nsim){
  #true data generation
  XZ$True_y <- 
               conditions$b1[i] * XZ$x +
               conditions$b2[i] * XZ$z +
  lmodel<-summary(lm(True_y ~ x * z, data=XZ))
  # Calculate aggregated results
  results$xcoef[i] <- mean(xcoef) # Mean x coefficient estimate
  results$zcoef[i] <- mean(zcoef) # Mean z coefficient estimate


the error message pops up.

Further, I've noticed that

Calculate aggregated results

this part, it is not calculating aggrgated results, rather, it only put the last nsim (nested loop)'s results.

I wanted to aggregate the results across the number of simulations to get mean of each estimates and type 1 error rate.


  • Something like this?
    Rewrite the loops as functions.

    • The inner loop generates the data and fits one regression;
    • the outer loop calls the above function nsim times with replicate and extracts the relevant statistics;
    • then a apply loop on conditions calls the latter function.

    The result below does not include the condition numbers 1 to 4 but that is just a matter of cbind(condition = 1:4, result).

    sim_one <- function(condition, n, mu, sigma) {
      # true data generation
      XZ <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = mu, Sigma = sigma)
      colnames(XZ) <- c("x", "z")
      err <- rnorm(n = sample_size, mean = 0, sd = 1)
      True_y <- c(condition %*% t(XZ)) + err
      XZ <-, True_y)
      # fit one regression
      lm(True_y ~ x*z, data = XZ)
    sim_many <- function(condition, R, n, mu, sigma) {
      # run nsim regressions
      fit_list <- replicate(R, sim_one(condition, n, mu, sigma), simplify = FALSE)
      # extract the coefficients and compute their mean values
      mean_xz <- sapply(fit_list, \(fit) coef(fit)[c("x", "z")]) |> rowMeans()
      mean_xz <- unname(mean_xz)
      # get the F statistics mean value
      ff <- sapply(fit_list, \(fit) summary(fit)[["fstatistic"]][1L]) |> mean()
      # the degrees of freedom are always the same, extract them
      # from any of the fits, in this case from the 1st
      df12 <- summary(fit_list[[1L]])[["fstatistic"]][2:3]
      # p-value of the average F stat
      t1er <- pf(ff, df1 = df12[1L], df2 = df12[2L], lower.tail = FALSE)
      # return a named vector
      c(xcoef = mean_xz[1L], zcoef = mean_xz[2L], t1er = t1er)
    # conditions
    b1 <- c(-0.3, 0.3)
    b2 <- c(-0.3, 0.3)
    conditions <- expand.grid(b1 = b1, b2 = b2) |> as.matrix()
    ncond <- nrow(conditions)
    # some other conditions 
    sample_size <- 200
    nsim <- 10 # number of simulations 
    mu <- c(0, 0)
    sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), 2, 2)
    t(apply(conditions, 1L, sim_many, R = nsim, n = sample_size, mu = mu, sigma = sigma))
    #>           xcoef      zcoef         t1er
    #> [1,] -0.3316541 -0.2840518 4.240253e-08
    #> [2,]  0.2629164 -0.2967959 7.393880e-07
    #> [3,] -0.3222810  0.2615112 8.463187e-08
    #> [4,]  0.2823582  0.3164789 2.251141e-08

    Created on 2024-12-01 with reprex v2.1.1