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C++ happens-before relationship and memory_order_consume

Consider the following example of using std::memory_order_consume to synchronize data:

struct X
    int i;
    std::string s;

std::atomic<X*> p;
std::atomic<int> a;

void create_x()
    X* x=new X;
    x->s="hello";,std::memory_order_relaxed);                     //1,std::memory_order_release);                      //2

void use_x()
    X* x;
    while(!(x=p.load(std::memory_order_consume)))              //3

    assert(x->i==42);                                          //4
    assert(x->s=="hello");                                    // 5

    assert(a.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)==99);            // 6

int main()
    std::thread t1(create_x);
    std::thread t2(use_x);

Anthony Williams in his book "Concurrency in Action" gives the following explanation:

Even though the store to a 1 is sequenced before the store to p 2, and the store to p is tagged memory_order_release, the load of p 3 is tagged memory_order_consume. This means that the store to p only happens before those expressions that are dependent on the value loaded from p. This means that the asserts on the data members of the X structure (4 and 5) are guaranteed not to fire, because the load of p carries a dependency to those expressions through the variable x. On the other hand, the assert on the value of a 6 may or may not fire; this operation isn’t dependent on the value loaded from p, and so there’s no guarantee on the value that’s read. This is particularly apparent because it’s tagged with memory_order_relaxed.

This explanation makes sense, but when I try to think about it in terms of happens-before relationships as defined by cppreference, I am failing to conclude the same:

  • There is a sequenced-before and happens-before relationship between the stores 1 and 2
  • There is a dependency-ordered-before and inter-thread-happens-before relationship between 2 and 3
  • Since inter-thread-happens-before relationship combines with sequenced-before relationship, the store 1 inter-thread-happens-before the load 3, and, consequently, 1 happens-before 3
  • The load 3 is sequenced-before the load 6 by the program order, therefore 3 happens-before 6
  • As we have concluded, 1 happens-before 3 and 3 happens-before 6, then by transitivity 1 happens-before 6

The last statement seems to contradict what is written in the book. Is there a mistake in my logical chain or the fact that the store 1 happens-before the load 6 does not necessarily mean that the effects of 1 are visible to 6?


  • Your logical error is in the last step. The definition of happens-before in C++23 (N4950 final draft) is:

    An evaluation A happens before an evaluation B (or, equivalently, B happens after A) if:

    — A is sequenced before B, or

    — A inter-thread happens before B.

    Notice there is not a third clause saying "if A happens before X and X happens before B". The happens-before relation is not defined as transitive.

    So it's true that 1 happens before 3 and 3 happens before 6, but it does not follow that 1 happens before 6.

    Notice too that you cannot show that 1 inter-thread happens before 6.

    (When there are no consume operations, so that no operation is dependency-ordered before any other, then you can show that happens-before is transitive, and is the transitive closure of the union of sequenced-before and synchronizes-with. This matches how simply-happens-before is defined, and there is a note pointing this out.)