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Examine whether group members make the same choices


df <- tibble(ID = c(1:12),
             Group = c(rep(1,3), rep(2,3), rep(3,3), rep(4,3)),
             Choice = c( rep(1.5, 3), round(rnorm(n=9,mean=10,sd=5), digits = 1) )

What I want is to identify, in each group, whether the group members decisions are the same or not. The desired output should be something like:

df <- tibble(ID = c(1:12),
             Group = c(rep(1,3), rep(2,3), rep(3,3), rep(4,3)),
             Choice = c( rep(1.5, 3), round(rnorm(n=9,mean=10,sd=5), digits = 1) ),
             Symmetric = c ( rep(1, 3), rep(0, 9) )

Is there a fast and simple solution for this? Thanks a lot!


  • Couple of ideas -

    1. You may count the unique values per group.
    df %>% mutate(Symmetric = as.integer(n_distinct(Choice) == 1), .by = Group)

    In base R :

    transform(df, Symmetric = as.integer(ave(Choice, Group, FUN = \(x) length(unique(x)) == 1)))
    1. since Choice is a numeric value we can also check it's standard deviation sd
    df %>% mutate(Symmetric = as.integer(sd(Choice) == 0), .by = Group)

    In base R :

    transform(df, Symmetric = as.integer(ave(Choice, Group, FUN = sd) == 0))

    All of which return :

    #   ID Group Choice Symmetric
    #1   1     1    1.5         1
    #2   2     1    1.5         1
    #3   3     1    1.5         1
    #4   4     2    9.7         0
    #5   5     2   -0.2         0
    #6   6     2   12.9         0
    #7   7     3   23.7         0
    #8   8     3    2.3         0
    #9   9     3   12.5         0
    #10 10     4    7.5         0
    #11 11     4    2.0         0
    #12 12     4   14.0         0