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When is the "typename" keyword necessary?

Possible Duplicate:
Officially, what is typename for?
Where and why do I have to put the template and typename keywords?

consider the code below:

template<class K>
class C {
    struct P {};
    vector<P> vec;
    void f();

template<class K> void C<K>::f() {
    typename vector<P>::iterator p = vec.begin();

Why is the "typename" keyword necessary in this example? Are there any other cases where "typename" must be specified?


  • Short answer: Whenever referring to a nested name that is a dependent name, i.e. nested inside a template instance with unknown parameter.

    Long answer: There are three tiers of entities in C++: values, types, and templates. All of those can have names, and the name alone doesn't tell you which tier of entity it is. Rather, the information about the nature of a name's entity must be inferred from the context.

    Whenever this inference is impossible, you have to specify it:

    template <typename> struct Magic; // defined somewhere else
    template <typename T> struct A
      static const int value = Magic<T>::gnarl; // assumed "value"
      typedef typename Magic<T>::brugh my_type; // decreed "type"
      //      ^^^^^^^^
      void foo() {
        Magic<T>::template kwpq<T>(1, 'a', .5); // decreed "template"
        //        ^^^^^^^^

    Here the names Magic<T>::gnarl, Magic<T>::brugh and Magic<T>::kwpq had to be expliciated, because it is impossible to tell: Since Magic is a template, the very nature of the type Magic<T> depends on T -- there may be specializations which are entirely different from the primary template, for example.

    What makes Magic<T>::gnarl a dependent name is the fact that we're inside a template definition, where T is unknown. Had we used Magic<int>, this would be different, since the compiler knows (you promise!) the full definition of Magic<int>.

    (If you want to test this yourself, here's a sample definition of Magic that you can use. Pardon the use of constexpr in the specializaation for brevity; if you have an old compiler, feel free to change the static member constant declaration to the old-style pre-C++11 form.)

    template <typename T> struct Magic
      static const T                    gnarl;
      typedef T &                       brugh;
      template <typename S> static void kwpq(int, char, double) { T x; }
    template <> struct Magic<signed char>
      // note that `gnarl` is absent
      static constexpr long double brugh = 0.25;  // `brugh` is now a value
      template <typename S> static int kwpq(int a, int b) { return a + b; }


    int main()
      A<int> a;;
      return Magic<signed char>::kwpq<float>(2, 3);  // no disambiguation here!