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Trying to traverse a linked list in Python 3

I have a weird issue being able to traverse through a custom linked list. Here is the code for traversal.

from typing import Optional

class ListNode:

    def __init__(self, val, next_node=None):

        self.val = val
        self.next_node = next_node

    def value(self):
        return self.val

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Value={self.val}, Next node available={self.next_node.value if self.next_node != None else -1}"

    __dict__ = ("val", "next_node",)

class Solution:

    def addTwoNumbers(self, l1: Optional[ListNode], l2: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[list]:

        result_arr = []

        l1_running = l1 != None
        curr_node = l1

        print("***** Start traversing L1 only ******")
        while l1_running:
            if curr_node.next_node:
                l1_running = True
                curr_node = curr_node.next_node
                l1_running = False
                curr_node = None

        print("***** End traversing L1 only ******")
        return result_arr

    def list_node_builder(self, l1: list[str], l2: list[int]) -> list[int]:

        print("***** Start building Linked List ******")
        l1_list_nodes = []
        l2_list_nodes = []

        for index, num in enumerate(l1):
            if index == len(l1) - 1:
                new_node = ListNode(num)
                new_node = ListNode(num, ListNode(l1[index+1]))

        for index, num in enumerate(l2):
            if index == len(l2) -1:
                l2_list_nodes.append(ListNode(num, ListNode(l2[index+1])))

        print("***** Done building Linked List ******")
        return self.addTwoNumbers(l1_list_nodes[0], l2_list_nodes[0])

When I am trying to call this using the following code:

from addNumbers import Solution

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = Solution()
    print(s.list_node_builder(l1=["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"], l2=[9,9,9,1]))

My output is like this:

/Users/shyam/codespaces/python_projects/.venv/bin/python /Users/shyam/codespaces/python_projects/ 
***** Start building Linked List ******
Value=a, Next node available=b
Value=b, Next node available=c
Value=c, Next node available=d
Value=d, Next node available=e
Value=e, Next node available=f
Value=f, Next node available=g
Value=g, Next node available=-1
***** Done building Linked List ******
***** Start traversing L1 only ******
Value=a, Next node available=b
Value=b, Next node available=-1
***** End traversing L1 only ******

Process finished with exit code 0

I am not able to understand why building the linked list looks fine and the next_node is properly set, but when I traverse the list using the head, I get stopped out on the 2nd node.


  • That's because you're trying to link the nodes in the linked list with the items in the static list that you're passing to list_node_builder. You should add a node to the 1l_list_nodes, then when adding a new node, link the last node to the current node. Here's the code (this should answer your question, you still have to make changes to the rest of the code accordingly):

    from typing import Optional
    class ListNode:
        def __init__(self, val, next_node=None):
            self.val = val
            self.next_node = next_node
        def value(self):
            return self.val
        def __str__(self):
            return f"Value={self.val}, Next node available={self.next_node.value if self.next_node != None else -1}"
        __dict__ = ("val", "next_node",)
    class Solution:
        def addTwoNumbers(self, l1: Optional[ListNode], l2: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[list]:
            result_arr = []
            l1_running = l1 != None
            curr_node = l1
            print("***** Start traversing L1 only ******")
            while l1_running:
                if curr_node.next_node:
                    l1_running = True
                    curr_node = curr_node.next_node
                    l1_running = False
                    curr_node = None
            print("***** End traversing L1 only ******")
            return result_arr
        def list_node_builder(self, l1: list[str], l2: list[int]) -> list[int]:
            print("***** Start building Linked List ******")
            l1_list_nodes = []
            l2_list_nodes = []
            # Here
            for index, num in enumerate(l1):
                new_node = ListNode(num)
                if index !=0:
                    l1_list_nodes[index-1].next_node = l1_list_nodes[index]
            for index, num in enumerate(l2):
                new_node = ListNode(num)
                if index !=0:
                    l2_list_nodes[index-1].next_node = l2_list_nodes[index]
            print("***** Done building Linked List ******")
            return self.addTwoNumbers(l1_list_nodes[0], l2_list_nodes[0])
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        s = Solution()
        print(s.list_node_builder(l1=["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"], l2=[9,9,9,1]))