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Decoding XML content with Vapor Swift

I'm trying to decode a request with XML body in Vapor.

The request content is:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<feed xmlns:yt="" xmlns=""><link rel="hub" href=""/><link rel="self" href=""/><title>YouTube video feed</title><updated>2024-11-27T15:08:44.561926689+00:00</updated><entry>
  <title>Test Video</title>
  <link rel="alternate" href=""/>
   <name>Test User</name>

I am trying to decode it into the following model:

struct PubSub: Content {
    struct Feed: Codable {
        struct Entry: Codable {

            let id: String

        let entry: Entry

    let feed: Feed

Using the following code to decode it:

guard let pubSub = try? req.content.decode(PubSub.self, as: .xml) else {
    throw Abort(.badGateway)

return pubSub

For some reason it never succeeds to decode. Could someone share what the correct way of decoding XML is for Vapor?


  • Vapor does not have an inbuilt decoder for XML so you'd need to find one that works for you. Once you have one you can conform it to ContentDecoder and register it as per the docs