I am developing a client and server application where a websocket will be used to maintain communications. I create a websocket:
function DebugMsg(msg) {
var msgdump = document.getElementById("msgdump");
if (msgdump == null || typeof msgdump === "undefined") {
var strContent;
if (typeof msg == "string" && msg.length > 0) {
strContent = msg;
if (typeof msg == "object" && typeof msg.message == "string") {
strContent = msg.message;
if (typeof strContent == "string" && strContent.length > 0) {
strContent = (new Date()).toUTCString() + ", " + strContent + "...";
msgdump.innerHTML = strContent + "\r\n" + msgdump.innerHTML;
function InstallServiceTimer(intInterval) {
if (intServiceInterval != intInterval) {
tmrService = setInterval(ServiceRequests, intInterval);
if (tmrService != null && typeof tmrService == "object") {
intServiceInterval = intInterval;
if (!(tmrService == null || typeof tmrService === "undefined")) {
DebugMsg("tmrService set-up, interval: " + intInterval + "ms");
//Function called when service request timer expires, no arguments
function ServiceRequests() {
if (!(typeof webSocket == "object"
&& typeof webSocket.readyState == "number"
&& webSocket.readyState == 1)) {
var intServiceReqRespDiff = objServiceInfo[cstrServiceInfoTagRequests]
- objServiceInfo[cstrServiceInfoTagResponses];
if (intServiceReqRespDiff > cintServiceNoResponses
&& intServiceInterval != cintServiceRequestAltInterval) {
//Stop the existing timer
//Reset request and response counters
objServiceInfo[cstrServiceInfoTagRequests] =
objServiceInfo[cstrServiceInfoTagResponses] = 0;
//Create a new timer with the slower interval
DebugMsg("Sending: \"" + cstrSendMsg + "\", to: " + cstrServerSocketIP);
function CreateWebSocket() {
try {
//Set-up timer to monitor webSocket object
if (typeof tmrWebSocketMonitor == "undefined") {
tmrWebSocketMonitor = setInterval(function() {
if (webSocket == null ) {
//Do nothing webSocket hasn't been created yet
if (!(typeof webSocket == "object"
&& typeof webSocket.readyState == "number"
&& webSocket.readyState == 1)) {
}, 5000);
webSocket = new WebSocket(cstrServerSocketIP);
webSocket.onclose = (event) => {
var strReason = "";
if (typeof event == "object") {
if (typeof event.code == "number") {
strReason += "code[" + event.code + "]";
var strError = cobjWebSocketErrors[event.code];
if (typeof strError == "string") {
strReason += ":" + strError;
if (typeof event.reason == "string" && event.reason.length > 0) {
if (strReason.length > 0) {
strReason += ", ";
strReason += "reason:\"" + event.reason + "\"";
DebugMsg("webSocket.onclose " + strReason);
webSocket.onerror = (event) => {
+ ((typeof event == "object"
&& typeof event.data == "string") ? ":" + event.data : ""));
webSocket.onmessage = (event) => {
+ ((typeof event == "object"
&& typeof event.data == "string") ? ":" + event.data : ""));
webSocket.onopen = () => {
//Set-up timer to send requests for data updates
} catch (e) {
I'm using Chrome as the browser and the Developer Tools within Chrome to help debug. I can see when the onerror
event occurs and there is nothing useful in the passed event that I can see that suggests what the error is, no code, no message. Can anyone shed any light on how I can track what the cause of this is?
The onerror
event in WebSocket is a simple event and does not provide detailed error information. To identify the error, you can use the onclose
event and analyze the code returned within the onclose