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Setup so that the generated client does not fail with unknown properties

I've successfully setup openapi generator (through gradle plugin) to generate the java client from a swagger specification. Today the server has been updated and the client now complains about unknown properties. The message is:

The field additionalProperties in the JSON string is not defined in the Document properties. JSON: ...

I found the message in the moustache template: okhttp-gson/pojo.mustache, defined in validateJsonElement and surrounded by tag {{^isAdditionalPropertiesTrue}}

However could not understand how to turn off the validation, how to pass isAdditionalPropertiesTrue=false

Here is my gradle build:

    group = "swagger_generation"
    generatorName = "java"
    id = "client-generated"
    inputSpec = "$projectDir/swagger_${swagFile}.json".toString()
    outputDir = "$rootDir/client-generated-${swagFile}".toString()
    apiPackage = "ie.client${swagSpec}"
    invokerPackage = "ie.client${swagSpec}"
    modelPackage = "ie.client.model${swagSpec}"
    configOptions = [
        openApiNullable: "false",

Edit: Has been proposed to change the tag from gson to Gradle, the reason to have gson is that the generated JSON class uses Gson to parse json content. I need it to skip any unknown properties. This is the default setting but it also generate the validateJsonElement that throw the error.


  • Resolved, the solution was to turn off the property disallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent:

    configOptions = [
        openApiNullable: "false",
        disallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent: "false"