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How to convert a tuple of types to a tuple of class template instantiations, using the tuple types as template arguments

Consider the following types.

template<int data_>
struct CompileTimeData{ static constexpr int data = data_; };

template<int data>
struct S{};

In C++17, how does one convert a tuple of different CompileTimeData instances into a tuple of different S instances? The data should be used as template argument for S.

std::tuple<CompileTimeData<4>, CompileTimeData<2>> ---> std::tuple<S<4>, S<2>>

In practice, CompileTimeData will have multiple integers as template parameters, each of which must be passed to S.

My use case would look like this:

template<class DataTupleA, class DataTupleB>
struct X{
   using TupleOfS_A = ... // convert from DataTupleA
   using TupleOfS_B = ... // convert from DataTupleB

   std::tuple<CompileTimeData<4>, CompileTimeData<2>>,
   std::tuple<CompileTimeData<3>, CompileTimeData<5>>
> x;


  • You can create a traits for that:

    template <typename Tuple>
    struct myTransform;
    template <int... Ns>
    struct myTransform<std::tuple<CompileTimeData<Ns>...>>
        using type = std::tuple<S<Ns>...>;


    You might have a more generic transform as follow:

    template <typename Tuple, template <typename> class Transformer>
    struct TupleTransform;
    template <typename... Ts, template <typename> class Transformer>
    struct TupleTransform<std::tuple<Ts...>, Transformer>
        using type = std::tuple<typename Transformer<Ts>::type...>;

    and then

    template <typename> struct CompileTimeData2S;
    template <int N/*, ..*/>
    struct CompileTimeData2S<CompileTimeData<N/*, ..*/>>
        using type = S<N /*, ..*/>;
