I have a next.js react website that uses an api to generate continuations for MIDI files. the api gets a MIDI file, processes it and uploads the processed MIDI file to cloud and returns the URL to the website.
I have built an audio player component (with the help of claude as Iv'e never done that beofre), however the sounds it produces are below sub-optimal, the several instruments are getting overlapped and the drums sounds like high pitched mechanical noise.
I'll attach the component code below but I have several questions:
I'm a novice in the audio processing world so any help would be very much appreciated.
attached is the full component code (minus the customizations)
'use client';
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback } from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import * as Tone from 'tone';
import { Midi } from '@tonejs/midi';
import { FaPlay, FaPause, FaStepBackward, FaStepForward } from 'react-icons/fa';
interface AudioPlayerProps {
midiUrl: string;
interface NoteData {
time: number;
note: string;
duration: number;
velocity: number;
const AudioPlayer: React.FC<AudioPlayerProps> = ({ midiUrl }) => {
const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false);
const [duration, setDuration] = useState(0);
const [currentTime, setCurrentTime] = useState(0);
const [error, setError] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [progress, setProgress] = useState(0);
const synthRef = useRef<Tone.PolySynth | null>(null);
const midiRef = useRef<Midi | null>(null);
const notesRef = useRef<NoteData[]>([]);
const initializeAudioContext = useCallback(async () => {
if (!synthRef.current) {
await Tone.start();
synthRef.current = new Tone.PolySynth(Tone.Synth, {
envelope: {
attack: 0.02,
decay: 0.1,
sustain: 0.3,
release: 0.8,
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const loadMidi = async () => {
try {
await initializeAudioContext();
const midi = await Midi.fromUrl(midiUrl);
midiRef.current = midi;
notesRef.current = midi.tracks.flatMap(track =>
track.notes.map(note => ({
time: note.time,
note: note.name,
duration: note.duration,
velocity: note.velocity
).sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading MIDI file:', error);
setError('Error loading MIDI file');
}, [midiUrl, initializeAudioContext]);
const togglePlayPause = useCallback(async () => {
await initializeAudioContext();
if (isPlaying) {
} else {
Tone.getTransport().seconds = currentTime;
notesRef.current.filter(note => note.time >= currentTime).forEach(note => {
Tone.getTransport().schedule((time) => {
synthRef.current?.triggerAttackRelease(note.note, note.duration, time, note.velocity);
}, note.time);
}, [isPlaying, currentTime, initializeAudioContext]);
const handleProgressChange = useCallback((newTime: number) => {
setProgress((newTime / duration) * 100);
Tone.getTransport().seconds = newTime;
}, [duration]);
const handleProgressBarInteraction = useCallback((event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
const bounds = event.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = event.clientX - bounds.left;
const clickedValue = (x / bounds.width) * duration;
}, [duration, handleProgressChange]);
const rewind = useCallback(() => {
handleProgressChange(Math.max(currentTime - 10, 0));
}, [currentTime, handleProgressChange]);
const fastForward = useCallback(() => {
handleProgressChange(Math.min(currentTime + 10, duration));
}, [currentTime, duration, handleProgressChange]);
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (isPlaying) {
const current = Tone.getTransport().seconds;
setProgress((current / duration) * 100);
if (current >= duration) {
}, 100);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [isPlaying, duration]);
const formatTime = (time: number) => {
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
const seconds = Math.floor(time % 60);
return `${minutes}:${seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`;
return (
<ProgressBar width={progress} />
<ProgressCircle left={progress} />
<Button onClick={rewind} disabled={!synthRef.current}>
<FaStepBackward />
<PlayButton onClick={togglePlayPause}>
{isPlaying ? <FaPause /> : <FaPlay />}
<Button onClick={fastForward} disabled={!synthRef.current}>
<FaStepForward />
{error && <div style={{ color: 'red', marginTop: '1rem' }}>{error}</div>}
export default AudioPlayer;
You will probably want to allocate some samples for the instruments you are going to be using for better sound quality.
The combination of tools - tone - tonejs/Midi (which uses midi-file) could also be problematic due to the resulting file.
MIDI files are binary and notoriously varied in implementations, I come across many files that are oddly formatted, and many which cause the midi-file library to get confused at.
In your case, I would recommend a different play solution.
May be worth a try. Feel free to DM me.