I am getting below error while creating azurerm_network_security_rule
Planning failed. Terraform encountered an error while generating this plan.
│ Error: Conflicting configuration arguments
│ "source_port_range": conflicts with source_port_ranges ..
│ "source_port_ranges": conflicts with source_port_range ..
│ "destination_port_range": conflicts with destination_port_ranges ..
│ "destination_port_ranges": conflicts with destination_port_range ..
│ "source_address_prefix": conflicts with source_address_prefixes ..
│ "source_address_prefixes": conflicts with source_address_prefix ..
│ "destination_address_prefix": conflicts with destination_address_prefixes ..
│ "destination_address_prefixes": conflicts with destination_address_prefix ..
# tfvars :
virtual_networks = [
vnet_index = "vnet01"
vnet_name_suffix = "appvnet1"
resource_group_name = "azd-rsg-prod-net"
location = "EastUS"
address_space = [
subnets = [
subnet_suffix = "app"
address_space = ""
nsg_rules = [
rule_name = "SR-AllowSomePorts-Inbound"
rule_description = "Allow Some Ports"
access = "Allow"
direction = "Inbound"
priority = "1001"
protocol = "*"
source_port_range = "*"
source_port_ranges = []
destination_port_range = ""
destination_port_ranges = ["3389", "443", "80"]
source_address_prefix = "*"
source_address_prefixes = []
destination_address_prefix = "*"
destination_address_prefixes = []
# Other subnet details here..
# Module:
resource "azurerm_network_security_rule" "NgsRule" {
for_each = { for nsg_rule in local.nsg_rules : nsg_rule.key_name => nsg_rule }
name = each.value.rule_name
description = each.value.rule_description
access = each.value.access
direction = each.value.direction
priority = each.value.priority
protocol = each.value.protocol
# Conflicts:
source_port_range = length(each.value.source_port_range) != 0 ? each.value.source_port_range : ""
source_port_ranges = length(each.value.source_port_ranges) != 0 ? each.value.source_port_ranges : []
destination_port_range = length(each.value.destination_port_range) != 0 ? each.value.destination_port_range : ""
destination_port_ranges = length(each.value.destination_port_ranges) != 0 ? each.value.destination_port_ranges : []
source_address_prefix = length(each.value.source_address_prefix) != 0 ? each.value.source_address_prefix : ""
source_address_prefixes = length(each.value.source_address_prefixes) != 0 ? each.value.source_address_prefixes : []
destination_address_prefix = length(each.value.destination_address_prefix) != 0 ? each.value.destination_address_prefix : ""
destination_address_prefixes = length(each.value.destination_address_prefixes) != 0 ? each.value.destination_address_prefixes : []
resource_group_name = each.value.resource_group_name
network_security_group_name = each.value.nsg_name
How to dynamically populate singular/plural property based on the presence of singular/plural argument value?
You cant use both the singular and plural properties in the same resource block. You can always provide a singular value in the plural property as a single item in the array object.
# tfvars:
nsg_rules = [
rule_name = "SR-AllowSomePorts-Inbound"
rule_description = "Allow Some Ports"
access = "Allow"
direction = "Inbound"
priority = "1001"
protocol = "*"
source_port_ranges = ["*"]
destination_port_ranges = ["3389", "443", "80"]
source_address_prefixes = ["*"]
destination_address_prefixes = ["*"]
# Module
resource "azurerm_network_security_rule" "NgsRule" {
source_port_range = length(each.value.source_port_ranges) == 1 ? each.value.source_port_ranges[0] : null
source_port_ranges = length(each.value.source_port_ranges) != 1 ? each.value.source_port_ranges : null
destination_port_range = length(each.value.destination_port_ranges) == 1 ? each.value.destination_port_ranges[0] : null
destination_port_ranges = length(each.value.destination_port_ranges) != 1 ? each.value.destination_port_ranges : null
source_address_prefix = length(each.value.source_address_prefixes) == 1 ? each.value.source_address_prefixes[0] : null
source_address_prefixes = length(each.value.source_address_prefixes) != 1 ? each.value.source_address_prefixes : null
destination_address_prefix = length(each.value.destination_address_prefixes) == 1 ? each.value.destination_address_prefixes[0] : null
destination_address_prefixes = length(each.value.destination_address_prefixes) != 1 ? each.value.destination_address_prefixes : null