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How to loop through a dataframe to create a table of contents in quarto

I have a data frame df_full that I want to loop through to create a table of contents in quarto. I want each heading to be unique(df_full$Topic), each subheading to be unique(df_full$question_id) within each topic, and the content displayed to be unique(df_full$response).

My attempt is this:

title: "PSP ESG and Impact Orientation QAQC"
    toc: true
    toc-depth: 2
    number-sections: true
    toc-location: left
    css: corp-styles_2023-new-logo.css
    self-contained: true
editor: visual
  echo: false
  warning: false
  chunk_output_type: console
# Loop through unique topics
for (topic in unique(df_full$Topic)) {
  cat("#", topic, "\n")  # Main section for each Topic

  # Filter to get questions and responses for the current topic
  topic_data <- df_full |>  
    filter(Topic == topic)

  for (i in 1:nrow(topic_data)) {
    # Use Question as a subsection
    cat("## Question:", topic_data$Question[i], "\n") 
    # Add the dummy response
    cat("### Response:", topic_data$dummy_response[i], "\n") 

but the results just display as text like this:

# ESG Governance and Disclosure 
## Question: Formal ESG policy or policies on relevant environmental, social, governance topics? 
### Response: Yes, policy or strategy in place 
## Question: Formal ESG policy or policies on relevant environmental, social, governance topics? 
### Response: Yes, policy or strategy in place 
## Question: Formal ESG policy or policies on relevant environmental, social, governance topics? 
### Response: Yes, policy or strategy in place


  • If your code generates raw Markdown and you want to keep it as-is, you should also set output (or results) option accordingly, e.g. :

    #| output: asis
    cat("# Topic\n")

    Complete qmd for reference:

        toc: true
        toc-depth: 2
        number-sections: true
        toc-location: left
        self-contained: true
    editor: visual
      echo: false
      warning: false
      chunk_output_type: console
    #| label: setup
    df_full <- tribble(
      ~Topic, ~Question, ~dummy_response,
      "A", "B", "C"
    Code-block with `output: asis`:
    #| label: with-output-asis
    #| output: asis
    # Loop through unique topics
    for (topic in unique(df_full$Topic)) {
      cat("#", topic, "\n")  # Main section for each Topic
      # Filter to get questions and responses for the current topic
      topic_data <- df_full |>  
        filter(Topic == topic)
      for (i in 1:nrow(topic_data)) {
        # Use Question as a subsection
        cat("## Question:", topic_data$Question[i], "\n") 
        # Add the dummy response
        cat("### Response:", topic_data$dummy_response[i], "\n") 
    Code-block without `output: asis` :
    #| label: without-output-asis
    cat("#", topic, "\n") 
    cat("## Question:", topic_data$Question[i], "\n") 
    cat("### Response:", topic_data$dummy_response[i], "\n") 

    Renders as:

    rendered qmd