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Shell script to backup dir from list

I have a backup script which does the job but takes a long time to complete because it tars Users dir against a list of servers in DEV_Servers.txt one by one.

Is there a way the tar command could run for the list of servers all at the same time instead of going through the list one by one?

print  "==========================================="
print  "Taking backup of Users dir"
print  "==========================================="

while read -r server;
    print "==========================================="
    print "Taking Backup of Users:" $server
    ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n $server "cd /opt/test/ ; tar -zcvf 'Users$(date '+%Y%m%d').tar.gz' Users"
done < "$serverList"


  • One way to run the tar commands in parallel is by putting each SSH call in the background. You can do this by appending an & at the end of each SSH command. Here's how you can modify your script:

    print "==========================================="
    print "Taking backup of Users dir"
    print "==========================================="
    while read -r server;
        print "==========================================="
        print "Taking Backup of Users:" $server
        # Run tar command in the background
        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n $server "cd /opt/test/ ; tar -zcvf 'Users$(date '+%Y%m%d').tar.gz' Users" &
    done < "$serverList"
    # Wait for all background jobs to finish
    • The & at the end of the ssh command tells the shell to run the command in the background.
    • The wait command ensures that the script waits for all background jobs to finish before it exits.