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how to change a specific cell in Power Query (M Language)?

I need to append few excel files into Power Query. But overall there is one cell ("Custom1" Row=6) which should be assign as "Bla". How to get around with this using power query ? many thanks in advance.

ps: ("Custom1" Row=6) has a different text value for each excel file.


    • Add Index column
    • Use Table.ReplaceValue to replace the cell in the appropriate column/row
      • Note I used Index=5 as the column as I chose to add zero-based Index column.
    • Remove the Index column
    #"Added Index" = Table.AddIndexColumn(#"Added Custom1", "Index", 0, 1, Int64.Type),
        #"Replace with Bla" = Table.ReplaceValue(
            #"Added Index",
            each [Index],
            (x,y,z)as nullable text=> if y=5 then "Bla" else x,
        #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Replace with Bla",{"Index"})