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How to launch 2 requests in python in parallel

I want to execute 2 functions in Python that execute requests under the hood. I don't mind to wait until the two have finished, but they should be executed in parallel.

I tried to use the concurrent.futures library, but that requires me to use an async and so on until the function on top of all, which is synchronous and would need a huge refactoring to make it async.

I'm trying with this approach, but I'm not sure if this actually parallelises everything correctly

def worker(function, queue_prepared, *args):
    result = function(*args)

def launch_threads(param1, param2):
    queue_first = queue.Queue()
    queue_second = queue.Queue()
    thread_first = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(request1, queue_first, param1, param2))
    thread_second = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(request2, queue_second, param1))
    return queue_first, queue_second

queue_first, queue_second = launch_threads(param1,param2)

queue_first_finished = False
queue_second_finished = False

while not queue_first_finished or not queue_second_finished:
    if not queue_first_finished:
       if not queue_first.empty():
            first = queue_first.get(timeout=1)
             queue_first_finished = True
     if not queue_second_finished:
       if not queue_second.empty():
            first = queue_second.get(timeout=1)
             queue_second_finished = True



  • you don't need to reinvent your own threadpool with queues, instead use concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor and concurrent.futures.as_completed to get task results as soon as they complete, you can also add a timeout if needed.

    import concurrent.futures
    import time
    def task(x):
        return x
    pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(2)
    wait_times = [2,1]
    tasks = [pool.submit(task,i) for i in wait_times]
    for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(tasks):

    note the timeout part is tricky because it doesn't actually terminate the task, it only stops the loop, and destroying the threadpool joins the pool, which means you will still wait for the task to complete.

    Also you might want to store this threadpool globally and reuse it in many places, because creating threads is not cheap (typically 10s-100s of microseconds) whereas creating tasks is cheap (in the order of a few microseconds)