The main goal is to link between two parameters via formula in Catia using macro. I've tried to record the process manually but the code didn't give the complete code:
Sub CATMain()
Dim partDocument1 As partDocument
Set partDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim part1 As part
Set part1 = partDocument1.part
Dim parameters1 As Parameters
Set parameters1 = part1.Parameters
Dim parameterSet1 As ParameterSet
Set parameterSet1 = parameters1.RootParameterSet
Dim parameterSets1 As ParameterSets
Set parameterSets1 = parameterSet1.ParameterSets
Dim parameterSet2 As ParameterSet
Set parameterSet2 = parameterSets1.GetItem("Construction_Position")
Dim parameterSets2 As ParameterSets
Set parameterSets2 = parameterSet2.ParameterSets
Dim parameterSet3 As ParameterSet
Set parameterSet3 = parameterSets2.GetItem("R_Point") ' Cannot print the method call put_Value for the object RealParam
Dim relations1 As Relations
Set relations1 = part1.Relations
Set parameterSet3 = parameterSets2.GetItem("R_Point")
Dim formula1 As Formula
Set formula1 = relations1.CreateFormula("Formula.2", "", ' Cannot print the method call CreateFormula for the object Relations
End Sub
The final formula that I get from this process 'manually' is
formula.2: Construction_Position\R_Point\R_Point_X=Construction_Position\H_Point\H_Point_X
What can I try next I tried with ChatGTP, but it's not working at all.
needs as third input the parameter which is managed by the formula, and as 4th parameter the formula as a string.
the best way to get the "name" of a parameter to use in a formula is to use the GetNameToUseInRelation
Also your code missing accessing one parameter-set level.
Here an example how such a code could look like
Sub CATMain()
Dim oPart As Part
Dim oRelations As Relations
Dim oParameters As Parameters
Dim parameterSet_H As ParameterSet
Dim parameterSet_R As ParameterSet
Dim parameterSet_Construction As ParameterSet
Dim oParameter_H as Parameter
Dim oParameter_R as Parameter
Dim oFormula As Formula
Set oPart = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part
Set oRelations = oPart.Relations
Set oParameters = oPart.Parameters
'get Parametersets
Set parameterSet_Construction = oParameters.RootParameterSet.ParameterSets.Item("Construction_Position")
Set parameterSet_H = parameterSet_Construction.ParameterSets.Item("H_Point")
Set parameterSet_R = parameterSet_Construction.ParameterSets.Item("R_Point")
'get Parameters
Set oParameter_H = parameterSet_H.DirectParameters.Item("H_Point_X")
Set oParameter_R = parameterSet_R.DirectParameters.Item("R_Point_X")
'create formula
Set oFormula = oRelations.CreateFormula("","", oParameter_R, oParameters.GetNameToUseInRelation(oParameter_H))
End Sub