Search code examples

Fill down from a specific row based on criteria

I have a table below with a list of transactions for each policy. One of the rows for each policy has a 'Y' as being a policy that had a certain 'issue'. I would like to create a new column to mark the row for 'Y' and the rows following for the same policy with a 1.

Basically for each policy, an issue occurred at some stage within the life cycle of the policy and I want to identify the PolicyVersion which is marked as a 'Y' and any subsequent rows for the same policy after the row marked 'Y'.

I can't quite figure out the correct partition

PolicyNum TransactionDate PolicyVersion IssueFoundOnThisVersion DesiredResult
A12345 2023-01-01 1 N 0
A12345 2023-06-01 2 Y 1
A12345 2023-07-01 3 N 1
A12345 2024-08-01 4 N 1
A12346 2023-02-01 1 N 0
A12346 2023-03-01 2 N 0
A12346 2023-07-01 3 N 0
A12346 2023-08-01 4 Y 1
A12346 2024-01-01 5 N 1


  • We can use SUM() as a window function here:

        CASE WHEN SUM(CASE WHEN IssueFoundOnThisVersion = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
            OVER (PARTITION BY PolicyNum ORDER BY PolicyVersion) > 0
             THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS DesiredResult
    FROM yourTable

    The SUM() logic above does a rolling sum, per policy, incrementing by one each time there is an issue with a certain policy.